We see transformation in communities across South America when leaders are equipped to meet the needs of their people and to lead their people through spiritual revival and growth. Whether it’s parents tirelessly submitting their homes unto the Lord, pastors diligently preaching and serving their congregation or even young adults looking to create gospel-centered change in their community, we long to see all believers equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to share their faith and disciple others.
This month, we pray over our leadership training programs, educational initiatives and the community leaders whom God continues to raise up. We know that by his grace and power the communities in South America can be transformed to become beacons of hope and places of refuge. It is our prayer that in all of our ministries and partnerships, God would comfort and strengthen these leaders as described in Isaiah:
“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youth shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:28-31
1. Pray for the Ashaninka Bible Institute (IBA) in Mazamari, Peru, as this year’s session begins in August. Pray that God prepares the hearts of the men and women who will be studying, that they will be ready to not only receive biblical knowledge, but also be willing to let the Holy Spirit build godly character in their lives. Pray for the teachers who will be instructing during this IBA session, that their teaching will be biblical and they can make it relevant to the Ashaninka people and the Ashaninka Church. Pray for Mesías, the director of IBA, that he will be able to lead well and separate sufficient time for IBA in the midst of his responsibilities as president of the Ashaninka Church Association.
2. Pray for the Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center (SCCLC) in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. The SCCLC begins their new school year this month. Pray for the teachers as they prepare their classrooms and curriculum, that God would guide and sustain them. Pray for Maribel Ayos as she has transitioned to Santa Cruz and starts her first year as the SCCLC’s new director. Ask God to strengthen Maribel as she leads the faculty and staff. Pray also that God would provide for the remaining teaching needs for the 2018-2019 school year.
3. Pray for The Wájaro Foundation as they continue to partner with ASPEWA, the association of Wayuu Evangelical Pastors in the Guajira, Colombia. One of ASPEWA’s main strategies to unify and strengthen the church is to equip their pastors and leaders throughout the Guajira on a wholistic level. Praise God for the successful launch of an alphabetization program amongst 55 isolated rancherías, allowing 200 leaders within these church communities to learn to read and write in Spanish. Thank God for providing some of the funding for the educational program, currently equipping over 300 pastors and leaders, from the most practical courses to seminary classes. Ask God for wisdom and funding to build a Wayuu school for teaching literacy in their own language, as a further branch of the educational program. Pray for additional funding and guidance as the program looks to expand the coming year into Venezuela, and that if He wills, ASPEWA will expand, especially into the more remote regions of the “Alta Guajira” where fewer know the sound of His voice.
4. Pray for the Centro de Capacitación Bíblica (CCB) Leadership Team in Pucallpa, Peru. CCB leaders are visiting many of the students and graduates between cycles of studies, encouraging them and helping them with Bible studies and seminars in the churches and counseling. Continuity of studies is a tough situation for CCB students due to political parties pulling the villages in different directions, travel problems due to the many changes in the political scene in Peru, and other ongoing cultural shifts. Pray for the CCB students who will return to CCB, that God protects and guides them during their break. Ask God to encourage these leaders as they travel, and pray that he uses the relationships formed at CCB to further the gospel in Peru.
5. Pray for the Bolivian Evangelical University (Universidad Evangélica Boliviana, UEB). The UEB will celebrate its 38th anniversary and also dedicate their new administration building this year. The UEB was the first private university in Bolivia and the first Evangelical university in South America, and SAM, as one of the founding members, maintains a representative on the board of directors as part of our commitment to preparing God’s people to transform society. Praise God that the first semester of this year, the UEB had 2,403 students! Pray for the recent graduates as they go out to not only do the work of the church, but are involved in government, communications and media, medicine and other walks of life, that God would use them to influence their communities for his glory.
6. Pray for the Shipibo-Conibo Evangelical Church Association (AIESHC). AIESHC leaders are in mid-year meetings and planning sessions with other church associations in July & August. Pray for the leaders as they visit many AIESHC churches that are struggling with the same type of divisions and problems that any church has. Ask God to sustain these leaders and grant them wisdom as they the confront cultural norms that are not Biblical. Pray also that these visits would further the redemptive work of the gospel in these communities, and that God would protect these leaders in their travels.
7. Pray for the discipleship center in Eastern Bolivia. Since breaking ground last year, Raphá and key SAM missionaries continue to build initial structures on the land. Praise God for the many ways he has blessed this project, particularly with the ongoing involvement, sacrifice and service of local Bolivian pastors and church leaders! Ask God to continue to provide the necessary funding and resources to fully equip the discipleship center. Pray for SAM missionaries and Raphá leadership as they continue to make strategic plans for the programs the center will offer once it is fully functional.
8. Pray for Colegio la Esperanza in Santa Marta, Colombia. La Esperanza has begun its second semester for 2018, continuing to strive for academic excellence and to form Christian leaders of integrity who transform the world for God’s glory. Ask God to provide necessary resources for the families of students who struggle academically. Pray for the teachers as they aim daily to live and share truth and love with their students. Pray that the devotional times at the school would be impactful in the lives of the students.
9. Pray for SAM Academy in Pucallpa, Peru. SAM Academy begins their 2018-2019 school year this month, continuing to serve the missionary children of the greater Pucallpa region. Pray for the teachers as they prepare their classrooms and lay the foundations for this school year. Ask God to bless the relationships between teachers and students, as many teachers become close mentors to the students at SAM Academy. Pray that God would provide for remaining teaching needs, that the academy would be fully staffed and able to serve these students well this school year.
10. Pray for the Ammi Training Center in Brazil. Praise God for the production and release of a ministry video that helps Ammi tell the story of God’s incredible work at the center! Ask God to continue to sustain the hard work of the many teachers, mentors and staff members of Ammi who continue to model the grace and truth of the gospel in their daily lives. Pray that God would work mightily in the lives of Ammi students, that each would be transformed by his presence and empowered to spread his love to their villages throughout Brazil.
Download the prayer guide as a PDF here: August Prayer Guide