Manos Que Suman (MQS)

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Manos Que Suman — Juntos, Sumando Para la Eternidad (Together, Uniting for Eternity)

Manos Que Suman longs to see local, Peruvian churches with resource bases and organizational presence before the Peruvian government in order to maximize the transformative influence of the church in Peruvian society. As MQS advances its work, there is the conviction that every person in Christ has the privilege and responsibility to use their gifts in service to the church.

David and Leidi Ayala lead Manos Que Suman’s efforts. In addition to helping churches gain a viable legal presence, the Ayala’s are passionate about seeing churches reach their communities with the gospel. MQS brings churches from Peru and the US together to facilitate incarnational, hands-and-feet outreach in mostly impoverished communities.