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Lima Initiative

Eight Charlotte-area churches sent leaders to Lima, Peru, to explore partnering with the Lima Initiative. Working with City to City Latin America, the Lima Initiative is building a gospel ecosystem by developing urban church planters and church networks to transform the city with the Gospel. The visiting church leaders saw first-hand how churches across denominations worked together to reach Lima. Please pray for a deepened partnership and the flourishing of churches in Lima and Charlotte.

IBC Bustamante Church and Seth and Jessica Malec

Seth and Jessica Malec are TEAM missionaries serving in Arequipa, Peru, partnering with SAM to care for missionaries in the mountain region and helping with ministry direction and guidance on the national level. They are primarily church planters, and Seth is pastoring a church, IBC Bustamante. Please pray that the Lord will provide their own location for the church. They are currently renting space at a local school. Please pray that the Lord would also send a Peruvian pastor to lead and shepherd the congregation. 

You can find a video with more details of these prayer requests on SAM’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Coram Deo ministry

Coram Deo, a ministry to teens in Pucallpa, Peru, has an annual retreat during school break, with follow-up events during the year for discipleship and fellowship. Please pray for the leaders and students involved. The teens represent 11 different local churches and some are not church-goers. Pray for city-wide impact in Pucallpa as these teens grow in knowledge and faith.

Medical Teams

Tom Hough is leading several medical teams this spring in Pucallpa, Peru, and surrounding areas. One team from CMDA (Christian Medical and Dental Associations) visited nearby Shipibo communities and under-resourced areas. They provided care and attention to many patients who do not have easy access to medical services. John and Minori Lucas helped with translation and logistics. Please pray for these teams as they serve as the hands and feet of Christ, bringing hope and healing to those in need.

SAMAIR Peru and Bible translation

SAMAIR Peru transported 18 boxes of newly reprinted New Testaments in the Matses language. These books were printed in Korea, shipped to Peru, and flown to remote communities. This spring SIL International is starting an Old Testament translation project using native language speakers. Please pray for the translation process and that one day, SAMAIR will have the honor of delivering Old Testaments to the Matses community.

Impacto Ministry in Pucallpa, Peru

Impacto, a ministry to senior citizens in Pucallpa, Peru, inaugurated this year’s programs with water games. It was a blast! We currently have on average 30 senior citizens from three local churches attending the meetings and events. The big event for this year will be the “Impacto Olympics” in July. Please pray for all involved in this ministry and for the fellowship and programs to share God’s love.

Kyle and Cristina Thomas

Kyle Thomas, the SAM Peru Director, leads the Peru team in bringing about Gospel transformation in their cities and communities. The Peru team works closely with pastors, churches, partner ministries, and local leaders. Please pray for Kyle and Cristina Thomas as they live out the Gospel in their lives and the ministries God has given them.


This month, we pray for God’s work in Peru through SAM and our partner ministries and churches. South America Mission first sent missionaries to Peru in 1926. While ministry has changed over the years, SAM remains passionate about discipleship, church planting, leadership training, and community development to bring about Gospel transformation. Pray with us for God’s work in Peru.

Misión TEC and Kyle and Cristina Thomas

The mission statement of Misión TEC is “forming lives for eternity through Biblical teaching and life training.” The Thomases partner with local pastors and leaders to provide ministry and event space at TEC. The property hosted an inter-neighborhood children’s soccer tournament sponsored by the local mayor. They continue to partner with the ministry Kids Alive and to receive churches for retreats and baptisms. One major highlight was a women’s retreat that served 34 women from five local churches for spiritual refreshment through fellowship and Bible study.

The Thomases and several local pastors and friends are praying to see how they might initiate Bible training on the premises. Please pray as they seek the Lord’s direction for this endeavor. 

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