The phrase, “First of All, Pray!”, inspired by 1 Timothy 2:1, is the name of our prayer ministry. It reflects the prominence of prayer within our community. It’s been a mark of our Mission for more than 100 years. The mark remains. First of all, pray—deliberately, intentionally, and in faith, with praise and thanksgiving.

IBC Ayacucho Church January 22nd, 2025

Please join us in praying for the young IBC church in Ayacucho, where SAM missionaries Rick and Donna Martin serve alongside Pastor César Shupingahua. Their current rental contract ends this month, and the landlord is unwilling to negotiate on the price. The church would love to continue meeting in the same space, so we’re asking God to move in the landlord’s heart or provide a new place that meets their needs.

Pray for God’s provision, wisdom for the church leaders, and trust in His perfect plan.

Pastor Gabriel in Colombia January 20th, 2025

Julián and Serina Arias, SAM missionaries in Colombia, shared this incredible testimony from Julián’s ministry with Ser Bíblico:  

Pastor Gabriel, who was on the verge of burnout, found encouragement and support through Ser Bíblico’s teaching and care. God used this ministry to renew his strength and restore his joy in serving his church.

Praise God for Pastor Gabriel’s renewed dedication to his calling and for how Ser Bíblico is equipping pastors with sound doctrine and support. Pray for Pastor Gabriel to continue serving with joy and for Julián and Ser Bíblico to impact even more lives in Colombia.

Nilton and Kaylee Solier January 17th, 2025

After several years of training and ministry in Guatemala, Nilton and Kaylee Solier have returned to Peru to join the SAM team in Lima! They are passionate about mobilizing the Peruvian Church to care for the vulnerable.

Please pray for God to provide them with a good place to live, meaningful connections in their new church and community, and clear guidance as they step into ministry. Pray that their work in discipleship, outreach, and leadership development will bear fruit and bless the most vulnerable in Peru.

Vacation Bible School January 15th, 2025

It’s summertime in Pucallpa, Peru! Iglesia Evangélica of San José, a team from Valley Christian in Wisconsin, and SAM missionaries and kids came together for a 5-day VBS, Playa Roca Rompeolas. Each day, over 100 children learned life-changing truths from God’s Word, like “Truth comes from God” and “We all need Jesus.”

Praise God for the 150 kids who joined on the final day and for the servant-hearted team who made it all possible. Pray that the seeds planted in these young hearts will grow into a lifelong love for Jesus and His truth.

Iglesia Bíblica Evangelio y Vida in Colombia January 13th, 2025

After completing a year-long study of fundamental doctrines with Ser Bíblico, Iglesia Bíblica Evangelio y Vida (Gospel and Life Bible Church) in Caldas, Colombia, is eager to put their learning into action. The church plans to officially establish membership and ordain its first deacons, marking an exciting new chapter in its ministry.

Pray for the leaders to have wisdom, for unity and faithfulness to strengthen the church body, and for their ministry to bear fruit that transforms their community for Christ.

Thank you for lifting up this milestone in prayer!

Church planters in Bolivia January 10th, 2025

Church planters in Bolivia have begun a City to City Incubator, a two-year training to equip pastors to plant and revitalize churches.

With participants from La Paz, Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, and Tarija, the first session launched in November in La Paz. Pastors will attend 8 sessions over two years, while their wives join 2 Parakaleo sessions designed for church planters’ spouses.

Please pray for:
– Financial provision for travel.
– Lasting fruit from this initiative, with churches and communities transformed by the Gospel.
– Growth in Christlikeness and preparedness for ministry for these men and women.


CoVentus January 8th, 2025

CoVentus—a co-working space in Barranquilla, Colombia—is finally open and thriving!

It’s now home to:
– Three churches meeting regularly.
– Weekly pastors’ meetings for City2City.
– Three foundations using the event space and boardroom.
– An English night, a prayer meeting, and a “Foundations of the Faith” class.

Please pray for CoVentus to continue being a hub for connection, ministry, and community transformation in Barranquilla. 🙌

Verdad y Vida Church in Colombia January 6th, 2025

Julián and Serina Arias serve in Medellín, Colombia, where Julián is part of Ser Bíblico, a ministry dedicated to strengthening churches with sound doctrine and biblical teaching.

One church they’ve worked with, Verdad y Vida (Truth and Life) in Manrique Oriental, has experienced incredible transformation under Pastor Wilson’s leadership. Through a deeper understanding of sound doctrine and commitment to biblical practices, the church has embraced significant changes—even reflecting its convictions in its remodeled sanctuary.

Now, the church is focusing on equipping members with less formal education to improve reading skills, ensuring everyone can grow in studying God’s Word together.

Please pray for Verdad y Vida Church and the ongoing ministry of Ser Bíblico!

Bolivia Team Retreat January 3rd, 2025

Our SAM Bolivia team is gathering for a retreat—a time to be renewed for powerful ministry. José Portillo is teaching from 1 Peter 2. He is the pastor of Vive Church in Charlotte, NC.

Please pray for:
-Renewed strength and effectiveness in sharing the treasure of the Gospel.
-Courage to stand firm under challenges, keeping their eyes on Christ’s return.
-Wisdom for Pastor Portillo as he teaches.

Thank you for praying with us as the SAM Bolivia team prepares to serve with boldness and joy!

Ami Training Center December 30th, 2024

This season, we’re Celebrating Lives Changed and reflecting on answered prayers from 2024!

At Ami Training Center in Brazil, teachers and staff equip students from indigenous tribes to lead and disciple in their communities, sharing the Gospel and building the Church. After praying for these students, we’re rejoicing in an unforgettable celebration: graduation, baptisms, and powerful moments of worship! 

Join us in thanking God for His provision and praying for these graduates as they carry the hope of Christ into their communities. 

Follow along on SAM’s Facebook to watch highlights from this joyful day! 


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