The SAM U.S. office was blessed to have hosted members of the Three Waves Movement (TWM) leadership. TWM is a collaboration of the three “waves” of missions: foreign, national, and Indigenous. Missionaries and organizations are working together to reach South America’s unreached peoples of the Amazon and lowlands. Their vision is to see every Indigenous tribe worshiping and glorifying God as equal members of Christ’s body. Pray for deep unity, respect, and collaboration among the waves, for doors to be opened, and for God’s love to be spread among all people groups. Pray for the members of the Three Waves leadership: Henrique and Corina Terena (members of SAM), Javier Mayorga, Irma Espinoza, and Chris and Tina Ferry.
The phrase, “First of All, Pray!”, inspired by 1 Timothy 2:1, is the name of our prayer ministry. It reflects the prominence of prayer within our community. It’s been a mark of our Mission for more than 100 years. The mark remains. First of all, pray—deliberately, intentionally, and in faith, with praise and thanksgiving.
SAM Academy August 16th, 2024
School is back in session! Please pray for teachers, staff, and students at SAM Academy as they start the new school year. SAM Academy offers 1st through 12th grades to the mission community serving in Pucallpa, Peru, and equips students to develop spiritual, academic, and social wholeness. The school has a US-based curriculum while ensuring the kids learn the language and cultural skills needed to thrive in the host country.
Women of IDC La Molina and IDC Miraflores churches August 14th, 2024
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
In Lima, Peru, women from two churches, IDC (Iglesia de la Ciudad) La Molina and IDC Miraflores, enjoyed teaching and fellowship at a women’s retreat. The “En Calma” retreat was based on Matthew 11:28-30. Carrying the yoke of Jesus is an invitation to live in a close relationship with him, under his teaching and guidance, finding peace and rest for souls. Please pray for the women that they would respond to this invitation and live in the rest that Jesus offers.
Natalie Suff August 12th, 2024
Natalie joyfully serves in Bolivia in mission member care and university student outreach. One of her ministry highlights in member care is being “tia” (aunt) to the missionary kid community. From story-reading, movie nights, afternoon tea, and games, Natalie is grateful for this opportunity to love on these kids as they navigate living overseas. Please pray for Tia Natalie and her “sobrinas y sobrinos” (nieces and nephews)!
Julian and Serina Arias August 7th, 2024
Through SAM and TEAM connections, Julian and Serina Arias (SAM Missionaries Colombia) had the opportunity to teach and minister in Peru. Julian taught at the IBC Arequipa church missions conference. They were hosted by TEAM missionaries Seth and Jessica Malec and Jason and Sarah Sheets who serve with IBC’s church planting efforts. They also visited the work of the Lima Initiative, a church planting and multiplication movement, to see how urban churches are developing gospel ecosystems and meeting the needs of Lima.
Praise God for the mutual encouragement and connection between ministries in Peru and Colombia. Pray for Julian’s teaching ministry and the mission outreach of the IBC Arequipa churches.
Lima Initiative August 5th, 2024
Lima Initiative is a ministry that is creating a network of churches and ministries to form a gospel ecosystem in Lima, Peru to bring the Kingdom’s transforming power to the city. Lima Initiative leaders organized two workshops. Churches could participate in Trauma Healing and Art as well as Worship and Art. After the workshops participants offered art classes to immigrant street children. Please pray for the ministry of Lima Initiative.
Ami Training Center August 2nd, 2024
Please pray that God would provide volunteers and missionaries to serve at the Ami Training Center. Ami needs staff for the kitchen, maintenance, children’s program, and teaching Portuguese. Please pray that God will expand the team at Ami to serve the Indigenous students.
You can find a video from a SAM missionary and a SAIM missionary serving at Ami on SAM’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Caleb Young July 31st, 2024
Caleb is an intern at the Ammi Training Center in Chapada Dos Guimaraes, Brazil. This ministry desires to see dynamic churches and disciples of Jesus Christ in every tribe in Brazil. Caleb will serve in a variety of ways. He will build relationships with the students plus teach English to Brazilian and Indigenous missionaries. Also, he will help with the general maintenance of the Ammi facilities. Caleb is eager to learn about God’s heart for the world and to encourage others to walk faithfully with the Lord.
Tracey Culley July 29th, 2024
Tracey serves in Recife, Brazil, with Recife Redemptive Ministries. One of her main responsibilities is teaching English through the Touch of the Master Music School. As she juggles a wide age range and skill level of students, she is grateful for the many opportunities to love and care for students and families. Please pray for the ways God is using her to share His gospel with her students!
Touch of the Master Music School July 26th, 2024
Touch of the Master Music School is a platform to reach the Dois Unidos community of Recife, Brazil, for Christ. Part of SAM’s Recife Redemptive Ministries, Touch of the Master offers music theory and practice in various instruments. Pray for directors Djaniro and Patricia Loureiro as they lead the volunteer staff and students to a deeper understanding of music, our creative nature, and our connection to the Creator.