CIET Scholarship Fund

Desde: $25 – subscription plan available

CIET is the Center for Applied Theological Studies and operates in the department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, to provide ongoing training for pastors, teachers and potential church leaders. A CIET Scholarship helps cover the expenses of the institute.

The institute charges students a reasonable tuition which does not cover all the institute’s costs. The economic situation in Bolivia makes it difficult for many who wish to study to be able to do so. The CIET Scholarship Fund provides resources for the institute to aid students approved for scholarships. The economic help allows those students to continue and finish their course of studies.

CIET opened its doors in March 1995. It directed by South America Mission (SAM) and the Association of Evangelical Churches of the East. Though the institute mainly serves the churches with the city of Santa Cruz, they extend their services to churches throughout the region as well. It is their privilege to strengthen the skills and knowledge of the local church leaders. CIET Scholarship Fund donations directly enable the advancement of the gospel through the local church in eastern Bolivia.

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