Gahagen, Craig & Heather

Desde: $25 – subscription plan available

Craig and Heather are missionaries in Pucallpa, Peru, in partnership with SAM and Mission to the Word (MTW). Their adult daughters are Kara and Whitney.

Craig is the Director of SAMAIR in Peru. He is grateful for the opportunities he still has to fly to remote villages—giving wings to God’s word—when not managing SAMAIR organizational and operational matters.

Craig and Heather are leaders in their local church, Mil Palmeras. They have a passion to disciple men and women to know Christ and make Him known.

    Ministry: Iglesia Mil Palmeras

    In 2006, the South America Mission Peru Church Planting team began Iglesia Mil Palmeras, in Pucallpa, Peru, also known as Thousand Palms Church. Today, the church is transforming its community by embodying the Kingdom of God.

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    Ministry: SAMAIR Peru

    2025 Project: Invest in Solar Power at SAMAIR Peru

    Imagine an aerial view of a Cessna 206 floatplane, suspended above the backdrop of an Amazon River tributary with a remote village on its flooded banks.

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    Ministry: Peru Field, GO Fund

    Each of South America Mission’s countries of service incurs costs associated with managing and facilitating ministry and caring for missionaries (e.g. compliance with local government regulations, operating a field office, stewarding field finances, etc.) Resources allocated in support of the general operations of the Peru field directly support the infrastructure essential to ministry.

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