1. How do I join the community of South America Mission?

First, complete a Preliminary Information Form right here on our website. This first step in the application process begins a relationship of seeking God’s purposes together, with you and your sending church.

2. Does South America Mission have a denominational affiliation?

South America Mission is an evangelical and interdenominational mission organization. We gladly work with individuals and churches who can affirm our Doctrinal Statement. Our missionaries come from many denominational backgrounds and agree to serve in unity under the authority of the Bible.

3. Where does South America Mission’s funding come from?

In faith, we rely on God to provide financially through his people—individuals, church bodies, foundations—to sustain the ministry He has entrusted to us. South America Mission is a 501(c)3 organization, a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), and donations in support of missionaries and ministries are tax-deductible.

4. What is SAM’s primary ministry focus?

We long to see dynamic churches spread across South America that transform communities as they embody the Kingdom of God. God has chosen us—broken yet redeemed human beings—to be his agents of transformation. Our presence and witness in communities is a key strategy in building towards our Vision. We also focus on church planting and establishing church networks, training godly leaders, discipleship and enabling ministry initiatives of local churches.

5. Does SAM offer short-term opportunities?

Absolutely! Achieving our Vision is based on long-term commitments, but we have many opportunities for service over shorter periods of time. Visit the Opportunities page on this website to learn more.

6. How do I make a financial contribution to the work of South America Mission?

Checks should be made out to South America Mission and mailed to the address below. You can also contribute by credit card through our website. Gifts of stock are an effective, tax-advantageous way of contributing as well.

South America Mission
1021 Maxwell Mill Rd, Ste B
Fort Mill, SC 29708

7. Are donations to South America Mission tax-deductible?

Yes. South America Mission is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 religious organization, as such we are able to issue tax-deductible receipts for donations that further the tax-exempt purposes of the organization. For more information, please contact our Donations Department at 803-802-8580.

8. Can I give regularly by bank or credit card and avoid having to write a monthly check?

Yes. In fact, you can establish regular giving by bank or credit card through our website. When you make a donation, simply select a Frequency for your donation.

9. What standards of stewardship does South America Mission uphold?

South America Mission is a member of the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability (ECFA). The Council maintains strict standards of financial integrity. We also submit to an annual audit of our finances, available to donors upon request.