Craving Peace
My heart craves peace. For our world. For our country. For our churches. For our neighbors. For our missionaries. To receive the peace that I crave, I need to look to Jesus for it. I need to keep on seeking him for it.
In my moments of unrest, I turn to John 16:33:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Jesus came with God’s peace, a peace under all circumstances. His peace doesn’t make all my problems or the world’s conflicts fade away. But Jesus has met the world in battle and conquered it. In him, I can find peace…a peace that will quiet my heart. I cannot forget that.
Peace is one of the greatest gifts Christ offers his followers…
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” – John 14:27
…a gift of the Holy Spirit…
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” – Galatians 5:22-23
This month, we pray Jesus’ peace over our missionaries, ministries, partners, and Latin America along with their prayer requests.
1. Pray for Erika Carroll in Brazil. Pray for Erika as she serves as the nurse at the Ammi Training Center. Besides being on call at all hours of the day, she teaches in the mornings and runs a clinic in the afternoon for the students. She is also overseeing Covid protocol at Ammi. Please pray for God’s protection over the students and staff.
2. Pray for Mike and Marina Shank. Pray for the Shanks’ six-month ministry internship at Iglesia Reforma in Guatemala with other future church planters before moving to Bolivia. Please pray that the Lord leads them to the people and places that He wants them to invest in while there. Pray for growth in their skills for ministry while caring for their son.
3. Pray for Brazos Abiertos in Lima, Peru. Brazos Abiertos (Open Arms) is devoted to the restoration of families and is located in one of the poorer areas of Lima. This ministry has a passion to restore God’s vision for families. Pray for the partnership of Brazos Abiertos and Iglesia de la Ciudad – La Molina, that the church teams share willing hands and compassionate hearts to love and serve in the name of Christ.
4. Pray for Pastor Jose in Colombia. Jose is a gifted leader who is leading a number of church leadership networks geared toward seeing gospel transformation of the cities in Colombia. Pray that God allows Jose’s labor to produce fruit as he works to unite churches, pastors, and leaders. Pray for him as a father as he leads his three children in the ways of God.
5. Pray for the Layne family in Recife, Brazil. Pray for new missionaries Kevin and Emily as they adjust to life and ministry. Pray for God’s favor as they learn Portuguese, join the ministry team, and care for their three children.
6. Pray for Micah Bittner in Bolivia. Pray for Micah as he restores and upgrades aircraft equipment that has not been used during COVID lockdown. SAMAIR Bolivia is waiting on parts for the aircrafts. Pray that the parts arrive quickly so this ministry can support the advance of the gospel in the unreached areas of Bolivia.
7. Pray for Evangelism in the City, Ayacucho, Peru. Pray for a week-long evangelistic push September 18-25. Two pastors from the U.S. will be coming to participate with Rick and Donna Martin. Pray for seeds to be planted and the gospel to change hearts.
8. Pray for Marcos Achimo in Bolivia. Marcos and Jeff HAuse (SAM) meet together for prayer and mutual encouragement. Pray for Marcos who is on staff with CRU. Pray for his ministry and his current project, “The Four,” which provides materials and training to churches and leaders who desire to share their faith in creative ways.
9. Pray for Fundacion Comunidad Viva and the house church movement in Bogota, Colombia. Pray for leadership reproduction and transition for these two ministries led by Jorge and Ginny Enciso. Pray that God strengthens and matures the areas of weakness and vulnerability to raise up new leaders for a thriving future.
10. Pray for SAM Academy in Pucallpa, Peru. Pray that the teachers and staff serve the missionaries and their children with excellence. This year there are 37 children from six different mission agencies as well as national ministries. Pray that their focus as a school community will always be to love the Lord and to share the love of the Lord.
11. Pray for Natalie in Bolivia. Pray for Natalie as she transitions back into life in Bolivia after an extended home leave due to COVID travel restrictions. Pray that she adapts well, that her Spanish language skills come back quickly, and that this new season of kingdom work is fruitful in a country still struggling with the pandemic.
12. Pray for David and Leidi Ayala in Peru. Pray for the Ayalas as they lead Manos Que Suman, a non-profit organization in Lima that loves, serves, and seeks the welfare of those in vulnerable situations. Pray as they practice relational evangelism and invest in the development of biblical discipleship of future generations.