Please pray for Ralph Shepard and the men’s ministry of which he is a part. Every Monday night men gather together to build relationships while dealing with issues men face and discussing how the gospel informs these things. Spiritual opposition is being sensed as men cross from darkness to light and others grow. Praise God for the ways He is working and pray for His continued work.
TEAM – Mexico
Pray for Anthony and Karlene Thiessen and their ministry to children and youth. Praise the Lord for the growth their elementary sports ministry group is experiencing. Please pray for these children’s hearts and lives to be impacted by the truth of the gospel. Pray for the gospel seeds planted in the lives of the youth who attended Bible Camp during Easter to blossom into the fruit of salvation.
TEAM – Mexico
Three TEAM-related churches in the Los Cabos area are planning Vacation Bible Schools in July while kids are out of school. Pray for the Holy Spirit to open children’s eyes to their need for a Savior and for harmony among the staff serving in high heat without air conditioning.
TEAM – Mexico
Pray for Carlos and Sandy Rios as they minister in a church plant in Guadalajara. In May, Miguel and Oscar, two faithful members of the church, each led a group of students from La Roca Bible Institute to minister to people in remote areas of Mexico. Pray for the Lord to bear good spiritual fruit in the lives of those to whom they ministered.
TEAM – Mexico
Pray for Art and Vicki Reyes, TEAM missionaries in Mexico. In honor of Children’s Day, a national holiday in Mexico, they, along with the youth group from Adonai Church, are planning an evangelistic Olympics-style event for children in the community today. Please pray for open hearts to the Gospel and for it to sink deep roots into the lives of these children.