Changing Plans to Change Lives

SAMAIR Peru: Changing Plans to Change Lives

“There are too many people.” Miguel’s dark eyes stared blankly back at me. “There are too many people to take off safely from this runway,” I said again.

Miguel and his two co-workers had just spent a week downriver in Brazil, sharing the Gospel in a village where outsiders are forbidden. Now, I had arrived to take the three of them home to their village.

It was my first stop of the day, and already the itinerary was starting to unravel. A fourth passenger hoped to join us—a daughter who urgently needed to reach Pucallpa because her father was facing a medical emergency. But with this short 400-yard airstrip, we couldn’t carry the weight of Miguel’s group, an extra passenger, their luggage, and a few large watermelons they’d picked up along the way – up above the towering jungle at the end of the airstrip.

“Let me take two of you and half the luggage to Breu, eight minutes away. Then I’ll do another shuttle and take everyone together from the much longer Breu airstrip.” Everyone nodded in agreement, and we were off.

Extra flying meant that I needed more fuel. So, I coordinated with a local missionary to bring me another 10 gallons. As I refueled, a local health worker approached with an urgent request: a 9-month-old baby named Richard had fallen into a cooking fire the previous week. His burns were now becoming infected. Could I transport the nurse, mother, and baby to Pucallpa for treatment at the hospital?

Yes. It meant another change to my flight plan and refueling for a second time, but this is why we have SAMAIR’s little Cessna airplanes here. I coordinated with the nurse to be ready when I returned from dropping Miguel’s group at their village. Two hours later, I returned to Breu, this time without any watermelons, and loaded up my new passengers.

Little Richard and his mother

I could see that Baby Richard’s arm and part of his head were badly burned. His mother held him close, covering him with a light blanket as I started the plane and took off for the 80-minute flight back to Pucallpa. Upon landing, an ambulance whisked them away to the hospital.

Sitting back in my air-conditioned office afterward, I marveled at how the day had unfolded. In one day, SAMAIR’s Cessna had transported Gospel workers, assisted in a family emergency, and flown a baby boy to receive life-saving care—all because we’re able to adapt to the needs that arise.

Maybe we can count eight lives changed on this day – Miguel and his two co-workers, the extra passenger and her father, the nurse, Baby Richard, and his mother? But, we know God brings the increase. He is the one who causes growth, expansion, and advancement. He multiplies whatever we do!


Changing Plans to Change Lives.

David Speyers, born and raised in Suriname where his family was involved in mission work for 20 years, developed a deep-rooted faith in Christ at an early age. Growing up, David had a keen interest in aviation, yet he did not consider becoming a pilot until college. After graduating with honors from Moody Bible Institute’s missionary aviation training program, he joined SAMAIR as a pilot and aircraft mechanic. David met his wife, Lisa, while both were serving with SAM in Bolivia, and their shared commitment to the Lord has become a foundation for their ministry. Today, the Speyers family serves with SAMAIR Peru, advancing the Gospel across the most remote parts of the country.



Mad Missionary

Angel Ballew and Family

Even as I write that title, I know it is wrong. I thought I was moving up in the level of “Missionary.” You know, after seven years, you have experienced the heartache of rejection. You have experienced the discomforts of living in an extreme temperature. Aren’t I supposed to be becoming immune to discomfort at this point?

Take me back, Lord. I find myself praying. Back to what? I wonder. Those first lessons were challenging. I remember waking up in the middle of the night sweating with two fans on us in July 2018. I am in hell. Lord, you brought us to live in hell. I don’t know if I’m going to make it.

These aren’t the kinds of things you read about in “good Missionary” biographies. Or maybe you do, but reading about it doesn’t seem so awful. They seem to accept the challenge and move into sainthood effortlessly. I’m not sure what is worse: admitting the feelings or the shame of still wrestling with the same things.

It is difficult to not compare environments when you’ve lived in six countries. Without any hesitation, Barranquilla has been the harshest of environments. The humidity of this tropical coastal city and its proximity to the equator makes it hot and humid all year round. One does get weary of saying “It’s hot”. How many different ways can you say “I’m hot and uncomfortable”? We know it is especially extreme when everyone around us comments on it.

My breaking point came this afternoon when we got into the hot car to drive to orchestra practice and the AC wouldn’t turn on. Quickly we rolled down the windows, except for the passenger side because the window was broken. 30 minutes we pushed and prodded several spots hoping it would kick on. Nothing. It would be ok, except when you sleep in the heat, wake up and exercise in the heat at 5 am, and proceed to do school in the heat.

If the heat doesn’t get to you, the mosquitoes will do the trick. Continually you kill them and they come back for more blood. Am I sounding dramatic yet? I warned you in the blog title! You can either read that as mad: angry or mad: crazy. Both are accurate for the period of life I am struggling through at this very moment.

In the past week, three fans have broken, and I have been sick. The kids have all taken turns being sick and then back through again. As I sat in our church service on Sunday evening on our back patio, I realized that I didn’t think I had been this low in a long while.

So this is what is going to take me out. I confess to the Lord. Being sick, hot, and did I mention I just started my period?

How do I tie a pretty bow on this one? There is none. There is no silver lining. There is just heat, sickness, and hormones.

What is it that is so frustrating? It’s the finality of it. There is no escape. Feeling like I can’t get away from the discomfort. But isn’t that one of those really important character-building elements? If I can learn the secret of being content in every circumstance, like Paul, I can truly learn contentment. I know this, but do I expect it and accept it when it comes?

This is the perfect environment for that. I have to laugh. Suddenly, the Lord takes me back to another time in my life when I felt there was no escape. Three kids under the age of 4. All three depend on me for diapers, care, cleaning, and feeding. What a lonely few years those were. I couldn’t see how my life would ever change. Every day felt like an eternal circle of the same things. Their cuteness only could get me through some of my moments in the day.

What gets you through the valleys of depression and anxiety? The answer, of course, is Jesus. In those moments when I was so tired and going a little crazy repeating myself so much, I had to apply some strategies to my hardships, especially when I was alone in the house with my own thoughts.

The joy of the Lord is my strength. This phrase became my anthem. Oh, how I need this anthem again!

I also have to get real with myself. What I want is to find a way to not be uncomfortable and I can’t. So how do I sit in this mess? I accept that I can sit tight in the discomfort and grow. This discomfort is not going to kill me. I can choose to be content in plenty and in want. Air conditioning will relieve me temporarily. The discontent comes from a deeper place. A place that needs healing and acceptance. I can choose. I always get to choose.

When I think about it, at my worst I am essentially saying “I will be content when I have: __________, _________, ___________, and Jesus.”

How is it any different from someone having an illness or disease? It is. I want to escape it, but I can’t. So, the real question is: What am I going to do?

The answer is that I am going to sit tight and sweat. I am not going to run. I’m not going to throw a temper tantrum because I am uncomfortable. I am going to believe that God brought me here because:

“No temptation has ceased you, except what is common to men. But God is faithful he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. When you are tempted He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it” 1 Corinthians 10:13

This a verse I memorized in high school and comes to mind every so often when I start to feel sorry for myself.

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the eagles in the Lord of the Rings. Surrounded, there is usually no escape left for journeymen. The group has fought and is unable to do anything else.

  • Am I looking to the mountains anticipating rescue?

  • Am I expectant to see how God is going to come through? This doesn’t mean He will rescue me from discomfort. This salvation is most likely from myself…from despair.

There is a word for what I am being asked to do: Abide.

In John 15, the chapter where Jesus is preparing himself, his disciples, and his church before he is crucified, the word “abide” is used 10 times. “Abide in me” is both an invitation and a command directly from Jesus to his followers. Abiding is staying, remaining, and being. It is also the opposite of what I have been wanting to do lately when faced with my unchanging circumstances.

Lord Jesus, you led the way. You have asked us to follow you. That means staying, remaining, and being with You through it all. The blessing and beauty of having more than enough. In plenty and in want. Lord, you cried out “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22:42 How many times must I hold on to my will, Lord? Thank you for this opportunity to let go, again. Thank you because you call out to me to follow you in the good and the bad. The easy moments and the hard. You lead the way. Show me, Jesus. Show me every moment of every day. Amen.


Angel BallewAngel Ballew, raised in São Paulo, Brazil as a missionary kid, has a unique worldview shaped by her upbringing with missionary parents and two older brothers. She loves volleyball, singing, and playing guitar. Angel’s deep love for God and people shines through her passion for teaching and pouring into her family’s lives. The Ballew family serves in Barranquilla, Colombia with a focus on church planting and a transformative coworking space, reaching out to professionals as a means of developing leaders and sharing the gospel.

June 2023 Prayer Focus


First of All, Pray

The phrase, “First of All, Pray!”, inspired by 1 Timothy 2:1, is the name of our prayer ministry. It reflects the prominence of prayer within our community. It’s been a mark of our Mission for more than 100 years. The mark remains. First of all, pray—deliberately, intentionally, and in faith, with praise and thanksgiving.

As we serve On Mission Together, please join us in praying for these requests in June 2023:

1. Pray for Ministry to Deaf Students in Pucallpa, Peru. Amanda McKinney and Pastor Carlos teach and mentor Deaf students at Refugio de Esperanza. The school hosts primary, preschool, and special needs schools in the mornings and high school in the afternoons. Carlos works with seven students in the mornings. He rotates between the classrooms to work individually with the Deaf students while the classroom teacher works with the rest of the class. In the afternoon they teach 12 Deaf students. These students are not in regular classrooms but are all together in Amanda’s classroom with Carlos as an assistant. It is challenging and a bit crazy planning lessons around the 12 different students’ levels, but they are learning and thriving. Five of the deaf students are seniors this year, so it is bittersweet for Amanda after seven years of knowing them. Please pray that the Lord helps Amanda and Carlos invest well in the five seniors. 

Peru_Refugio de Esperanza_AmandaMcKinney_highschool deaf students

2. Pray for Member Care in Bolivia. Burnout and mental health struggles are not uncommon for Gospel servants. Natalie Suff ministers holistically for the missionary team in Bolivia. Recently she hosted a day-long spiritual retreat for women from SAM and Latin Link as well as breakfast fellowship. Pray for Natalie as she serves the busy missionary team in Bolivia.

3. Pray for Indigenous ministry in northeast Brazil. For the past several years, a Brazilian missionary pastor, Daniel, has been visiting a remote village in northeastern Brazil. After some initial resistance, he has built relationships within the community and several have come to know the Lord. He has been visiting several times a week and assisted with projects for the community, like building a classroom for the children. The community has a deep love and respect for Daniel. Recently, SAM missionary Todd Carroll had the opportunity to drive Pastor Daniel and other Brazilian missionaries from a seminary to visit the village and build a bathroom with the locals. Pray for the flourishing of this village, Pastor Daniel, and more opportunities to partner with them.

4. Pray for Drew Warrick. Drew serves at Rancho El Camino in La Paz, Mexico. The Ranch serves the youth and families of the area through camps and recreational ministries, community development initiatives, leadership training programs, and church-based ministries. In April, the Ranch held a basketball camp in the local neighborhoods, which was followed by a four-day overnight Easter camp at the Ranch the following week. On the last night of the camp, they fellowshipped around a huge bonfire, and one of the youth shared his testimony in front of over forty of his peers. It is incredible to see how God is transforming his life and shaping him into a leader in the community. Many of the youth walked away from the camp with a greater understanding of the importance of following God’s will in their life and in their community. Pray for Drew and the ministry of Rancho El Camino.

The Ranch_Drew Warrick_Easter Camp

5. Pray for SAM Academy in Pucallpa, Peru. Praise God for SAM Academy’s high school ministry trip to the community of Masaray. The students enjoyed the trip on the river and a productive time at the school in Masaray. They helped out with painting projects and held English classes. When the rain came, they played soccer! Pray for the students in Masaray and at SAM Academy. 

Henrique and Corina6. Pray for Henrique and Corina Terena Dias. Henrique and Corina are passionate about the Indigenous Church in South America. They serve as advisors and coordinators of the Trans Amazon Network. Their desire is to grow Indigenous networks creating other training centers across the continent. And increasing the connection between the national church and the Indigenous church. With the Trans Amazon Network, they visited Ecuador to encourage the non-indigenous church leadership to join the indigenous church leaders to create a consortium with missions agencies and local churches. Pray for the formation of a consortium in Ecuador to support the Indigenous church. Pray for the family and ministry of Henrique and Corina.

7. Pray for Kaylee and Nilton Solier. Nilton and Kaylee Solier serve in Guatemala City. They serve kids in Bethania, an underresourced neighborhood by hosting kids programs. From science classes, music classes, and “splash days,” the Soliers are encouraged to see the kids growing and learning. Recently, someone from their local church donated eight huge garbage bags of sample medications to their ministry in Bethania. They organized and sorted about 700 different types of medications! It was a lot of work, but now they can offer these medications to the health center in Bethania, which they have been exploring how to work with. Pray that these medications will be a blessing to the community, and that they can continue to find ways to work together with other organizations to serve Bethania well.

8. Pray for Candidate Orientation. SAM will be hosting our 2023 Candidate Orientation. Orientation is a time of discernment, learning, connection, and worship. Please pray for each of our participants that God would give wisdom and clarity as they take steps to become SAM missionaries. 

9. Pray for Ministerio Impacto in Pucallpa, Peru. Praise God for a wonderful Mother’s Day celebration in May with Ministerio Impacto, a ministry to the senior citizens of Iglesia Divino Redentor in Pucallpa, Peru. Pray that these women would experience and know the love of God.


10. Pray for Ministry in La Paz, Bolivia. Mike Shank, who serves in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, had the opportunity to go to La Paz to visit some SAM ministry partners, SIM missionary friends, and Pastor Brandon Cooper from Cityview Church (one of the Shank family’s sending churches). Pastor Brandon led a Discipleship Workshop for area churches. Pray that this training will bless the 15 churches represented at the workshop. Pray for Pastor Angel who is being evaluated as a church planter with the Acts 29 ministry. Pray for ministry partners who love fixing up trucks and use it as an opportunity to share the Gospel! Overall there is movement in La Paz and the city of El Alto for ministries and pastors to collaborate around the Gospel. Please pray for the cultivation of this movement.

11. Pray for street ministry in Brazil. Tracey Culley, serving in Recife, Brazil, has joined a ministry at her local church called Voz na Esquina (Voice on the Corner). For over 12 years, the church has brought snacks, water, friendship, and prayer to those involved in the sex industry. This is a complex and humbling ministry. Pray for wisdom and perseverance to continue pursuing this particular group with God’s kindness and love.

Smith Family12. Pray for Dave and Katrina Smith. The Smith Family finished language school in Costa Rica and are settling in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Dave is serving with SAMAIR as both an airplane pilot and mechanic. With a heart for holistic discipleship, Katrina plans to partner with a local organization to help minister to victims of crime. Pray for Dave, Katrina, and their three girls.


Faces of Wajáro
“We live in the midst of an armed conflict and illicit drug cultivation. The majority choose the easy job and the good money of marijuana and coca. My crop has always been coffee, corn, and bananas. Now we are working on a laying hens project with Wájaro. We thank God for Wájaro and how together, we have been able to advance!”
Victor Hurtado, Nasa Community, Sustainable Economic Development, Income Generation, Agriculture
Victor is a Nasa Indigenous Christian who lives in Toribio, Colombia. He and his family have witnessed a lifetime of violence. Today, when you mention Toribio, the common Colombian will shutter, not only because of its bloody past, but because the fertile soil of this region continues to fuel the illicit drug trade where armed groups continue to be the boss of the land.
The last time our team visited this community, our educational workshops were interrupted with the sound of automatic rifles and the classroom shook from a bomb in the nearby “vereda” (neighboring settlement). For our students, this was nearly background noise, a familiar beat on the soundtrack of their lives.
The darkness of night is interrupted by thousands of white lights; beautiful as they may seem on the surface, these lights illuminate illicit marijuana crops, kept lit through the night for warmth. To fight against this difficult reality, the Coopahobelén Cooperative was founded, with hope to provide alternative economic resources for the community. However, this small community has decided that, although much harder, they will follow the ethical path.
They grow coffee on their land and with your generous donations, Wájaro began a chicken/egg shed project with the cooperative, with the hopes of becoming the largest provider in the region. The chickens had just arrived the week prior to our trip. Wájaro and Coopahobelén also have dreams of working together with their coffee in the future, if we have the resources to do so.
Join us as we continue to work with communities like the Nasa and create projects for peace in 2023.
FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN for 2023 ends on January 5
Goal: $130,000
$100,000 For 2023 Projects
$30,000 For Casa Wájaro Remodel
Your Donation Will
Support projects in 2023
• Community Organizing Support
• Cooperative/Association Development
• Literacy, Education & Spiritual Formation
• Sustainable Economic Development & Income Generation
• Sustainable Agriculture
• Women & Youth Leadership Development
• Cultural Preservation
• Peace & Reconciliation Initiatives
Support Casa Wájaro
• Provide Crucial Funding For Casa Wájaro Remodel

June 2022 Prayer Focus

I Am Christ's Ambassador

I Am Christ’s Ambassador

When I read these prayer requests and see these photos each month, I stand in awe of our missionaries and team in South America. They are doing good works for Jesus and sharing the gospel in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. I think of them as ambassadors for Christ as they represent Him in a foreign land. Then I think about how I’m representing Jesus in my home country. Am I an ambassador for Christ? Are you?

When we accepted the free gift of salvation, our hearts changed for Christ. We were reconciled to God and given eternal life. We also became His representative in the world. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. (2 Corinthians 5:20)

Paul says, “We implore you on behalf of Christ.” This is what an ambassador for Christ does. Implores people…requests in a sincere or urgent manner…on behalf of Christ. Be reconciled to God. As a follower of Christ, I am Christ’s ambassador. Scary thought! 

It’s a lot of responsibility. It’s a lot to live up to. When people see me, they are supposed to see Jesus. When people hear me speak, they are supposed to hear Jesus. When I interact with people, they are supposed to know that Jesus loves them. That He died for them. That He wants to have a personal relationship with them. That’s a tall order for someone like me who prefers to hide in the corner at social gatherings.

As I process this great responsibility, I realize that many of us may need a change in perspective. Maybe God hasn’t called us to serve in South America. Or maybe He will. But He has sent us to that city where we live. He sent us to that community, that neighborhood. He sent us to that office, that job. He sent us for a reason. Wherever we find ourselves right now, we have opportunity to implore others to trust in Jesus. 

His power and grace open the doors for us to share. We don’t need to feel scared of representing Christ. We don’t need to worry about what to say or how to say it. Or what others think about us. As we live, love, and help others for Him, we naturally build relationships with others. It’s in those relationships that we can share our faith and encourage others in their faith journey. That builds my confidence as Christ’s ambassador. Because it’s not about me. It’s about Him.


1. Pray for Mike and Marina Shank. Mike and Marina are settling into their first term of service in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. They are learning how God is already at work around the city as they go through orientation, meeting missionaries, pastors, leaders, and new neighbors. Pray for discernment as the Shanks find a local church family as well as for guidance as they work with the SAM Bolivia Team to see how they can serve God in Santa Cruz.

2. Pray for IBC Bustamante Church and the Malec family. Seth and Jessica live and serve with TEAM in Arequipa, Peru. Seth pastors a church plant, IBC Bustamante. God has been growing this young church and has opened doors for the church body to serve the spiritual and physical needs of two under-resourced communities. Pray for God to raise up a local pastor to lead and serve this congregation.



3. Pray for Seed Projects in Recife, Brazil. Seed Projects are small, holistic outreach projects through which churches and missions demonstrate God’s love in practical ways in their local community. South America Mission / Missão SAIM in Recife had the opportunity to collaborate with local friends and churches to build a much-needed bus stop on a neighborhood street. This bus stop is used daily by many people. The new structure will protect friends and neighbors from Recife’s blistering sun and rainy season downpours as they wait on the public buses to arrive. Praise God for all the hands who worked on this project, and pray for more opportunities to serve the community in this way.

4. Pray for children in Armenia, Colombia. It was Christmas in April! Churches in Armenia received Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes in April after a long delay due to Covid. Chris and Cristi Haylett serve with Iglesia Nueva Esperanza alongside Pastor Jorge and his wife Kristina. Their church received 80 boxes and hosted three events where they presented the gospel to children and their parents. What a joy for the children! Many children responded to the message and indicated a desire for a relationship with Jesus. They loved the gift boxes and many seemed to receive “just what they wanted.” From art supplies for a girl who loves to draw to a boy receiving a few dollars that he used to help feed his family, the kids were overwhelmed with the gifts. The church serves an impoverished community, so it was exciting to see God bless and provide spiritually and physically through the shoeboxes. The Sunday after the evangelistic events, two new families came to church. Praise God for bringing them. The church is now following up with a 12-week discipleship curriculum from Samaritan’s Purse called La Gran Aventura (The Great Adventure). 

5. Pray for the indigenous peoples of Brazil. In April, the Ammi training center in Brazil celebrated Day of the Indian. This was a great time of fellowship, dances, and a cookout celebrating the rich diversity of these cultures and peoples. Pray that God will use Ammi, the staff, and the students to glorify Himself in each tribe. 


6. Pray for Dalmiro and Laura Ortiz. Dalmiro and Laura live and serve in Santa Cruz, Bolivia in teaching, pastoral care, and administration. They will be in the U.S. for eight months this year on Home Ministry Assignment (HMA). HMA is a time for missionaries to connect with churches, supporters, and family. They may also use the time for training, rest, and renewal. Please pray for this time for the Ortiz family, that God would give them rest and opportunities to share their ministry. Pray that God will fill the temporary holes they leave in Bolivia while they are gone for several months.

7. Pray for Iglesia Biblica Gracia y Verdad’s mission trip. Iglesia Biblica Gracia y Verdad in Lima, Peru will be taking a mission trip to Ecuador from June 14-29. This will be a medical mission outreach to a Quichua community outside of Riobamba, Ecuador. The team of seven will be joining a team of 13 from Volunteers in Medical Missions from the U.S. Pray for these two teams as they work together to serve the Quichua people with physical and spiritual needs.

8. Pray for the Wayuu in northern Colombia. Praise God for the fruitful work of the Wayuu people and Wájaro Foundation. A picture of 6 books may not excite you, but these are all a part of the literacy program that now enables +800,000 of the Wayuu community to learn how to read and write in their own language (and very efficiently at that)! This may be the first well-done and extensive workbook created by Wayuu for literacy in their own language (Wayuunaiki). 


9. Pray for new baptisms. In Santa Cruz, Bolivia, due to virtual church and then restricted in-person meetings, many new believers have been waiting for an opportunity to be baptized. Praise God that in the past few months, many have been baptized, giving testimony to their faith in Christ. Pray for these believers to grow in the knowledge of God and to be witnesses to the work of Christ.

10. Pray for Oscar Sinuiri. Oscar works as the groundskeeper for SAMAIR Peru. He and his wife are raising their grandchildren. Oscar asks for prayer for wisdom, strength, and the Lord’s provision as they take care of their grandkids.

11. Pray for Kaylee and Nilton Solier in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Kaylee and Nilton met and married in Peru while Kaylee was serving in Ayacucho with SAM. They are now serving in Guatemala City for a few years while Nilton is completing a church-planting and discipleship training program. They also work with an initiative of the local church, Iglesia Reforma, called MANOS. In the impoverished neighborhood of Bethania, MANOS runs a tutoring and after-school program for kids. They provide homework help to kids who need it, but they also give them opportunities to develop their other talents and abilities with classes in geography, gardening, English and other areas of interest. 


12. Pray for City to City in Medellín, Colombia. In the city of Medellín, Julián Arias has been getting to know other pastors and ministry leaders through connections with SAM and City to City, a ministry that seeks to connect churches and local ministries to help reach the city with the gospel by working together. He coordinated logistics for City to City’s two day incubator meetings in Medellín with pastors from across the city. Please pray for wisdom as Julián and fellow leaders continue to seek how they can serve together with City to City in Medellín.

April 2022 Prayer Focus

Fear > Love

Love Is Greater Than Fear

A missionary passing through South America Mission’s home office recently shared this verse, one that had been an encouragement as he and his family are going through transition: There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. 1 John 4:18

I have been dwelling on the phrase “perfect love casts out fear” as we head toward Easter. It is a truth my heart needs to hear. I am not going through any significant transitions, but I am tempted to fear when I face the various uncertainties in my relationships and responsibilities. When I look out at the greater world and see the brokenness that brings so much suffering, it can be hard to experience the truth of the verse.

This verse is grounded in the cross. In his perfect love, Jesus took the punishment I deserved so that I might live reconciled to God, full of hope. If he has taken care of this greatest need of mine and removed the fear of punishment, I do not need to fear that he will take care of all of my smaller needs. Moreover, the cross reminds me that God cares for this broken and suffering world by taking on the ultimate suffering for us.

In John 12:47 Jesus says that he did not come to judge the world but to save the world. I need to remember this when I look at the world around me and fear begins to rise up. He came to show us the way. As I stay centered in God’s word, I pray that I can share that hope and perfect love with others.


1. Pray for Miguel Laich in Pucallpa, Peru. Miguel Laich is the administrative assistant for the Peru field. He has worked for SAM Peru for 1 1/2 years. Among other tasks, Miguel helps process all of the paperwork for the accountant which includes payroll, legal processes for mission properties, and inscriptions in public records. The Peru field is grateful for his attention to detail and hard work. He is a man of deep faith, and serves in his local church in Pucallpa, Peru.

2. Pray for Torre Fuerte in eastern Bolivia. Praise God that the paperwork for the purchase of land for the Torre Fuerte Indigenous Discipleship Center is complete. An initiative of FRALIC (Indigenous Christian Leaders Fraternity), the center provides culturally relevant training to equip indigenous leaders. Now that the land is purchased, they can begin to build facilities to support this vision. Pray for Cesar and Mirtha Surubi, leaders of this ministry. Pray that God would use Torre Fuerte to reach the 30+ indigenous communities of Bolivia.

Cesar & Mirtha Torre Fuerte Cesar







3. Pray for Kat Guild in Barranquilla, Colombia. God has opened doors for Kat to participate in an after-school program through  her church, First Presbyterian Church of Barranquilla, Colombia. The program “Creciendo con Jesus” (Growing with Jesus) serves kids in a lower-income neighborhood called Santa María, primarily made up of Venezuelan migrants, and many of the kids grow up in tough situations that compromise their ability to experience a healthy and secure childhood. The goal of the program is to provide a safe environment for the kids after school while also connecting them with a church family in the city. Please pray for the leaders in this community and ask that the Lord would bring more Godly adult examples and advocates into the lives of the kids in Santa María.

4. Pray for Ricardo and Emiliana in Brazil. Ricardo and Emiliana are graduates of Ami in Brazil. They have been living and ministering in their home village. Ricardo has been chosen to be the next chief of his people, a position of great respect and honor. He will be able to make a great difference in his community and impact the lives of his people by leading them by example to walk with God. Their village only has the books of Ruth and Jonah in their own language. Ricardo and Emiliana spent three years at Ami and have 74 stories memorized from the Old and New Testaments. Emiliana does a lot of ministry to young children in the village. Please pray for Ricardo and Emiliana as they serve their village. Pray for Ricardo to have wisdom to lead well and to give him peace when he is faced with difficult decisions. 

5. Pray for Mercy Ministries in Lima, Peru. Iglesia de la Ciudad in Lima, Peru has been developing partnerships with mercy ministries in the city including Brazos Abiertos and MISIUR. A member of the church, Soleil, will be taking over as coordinator, organizing projects and collaborating with these other gospel-centered ministries. Soleil has been an active member of the church with a servant’s heart. Pray for Soleil as she begins this new position and for the fruit of this ministry.


6. Pray for SAMAir Bolivia. SAMAIR Bolivia is planning another trip in May to the northern region of Bolivia called the Beni to help local believers bring the gospel to the remote people of the region via boat. Pray for Micah Bittner and Greg Dahl as they prepare and coordinate the details for this trip. 

7. Pray for the Hayletts in Armenia, Colombia. Chris and Cristi Haylett lead a youth discipleship group on Friday evenings with their church, Iglesia Nueva Esperanza. They are encouraged to see many youths coming each week. Pray that the youth stay engaged in Bible study and learn how to live a life dedicated to God.


8. Pray for the Laynes in Recife, Brazil. Education for missionary kids (MKs) looks different for every family depending on the family and where they live. Homeschooling, boarding school, English-speaking schools, and local-language schools are some of the options for missionaries. The Layne kids in Recife, Brazil are attending a local Christian Brazilian school. The realities of moving to a new country and transitioning into a new school, especially in a second language, can be challenging for both kids and parents. Pray for Kevin and Emily as they navigate the challenges of learning a new culture, serving in their ministries, and parenting throughout this transition. Please pray for wisdom as their kids navigate the good and hard of school–classwork, teachers, making friends, and bullying. Pray for their kids as school is all in Portuguese and for the Laynes to be a blessing to the school community.

9. Pray for the Senior Citizen Ministry in Pucallpa, Peru. Covid restrictions were particularly hard on the elderly in Pucallpa, Peru. Ministerio Impacto (a ministry of Iglesia Divino Redentor) has been reaching out to this isolated community in the city. Partnering with SAM Academy students in December, they hosted a special Christmas program for the “abuelitos” with games, songs, and a traditional chocolatada. In February, Ministerio Impacto, including two SAM Academy high school students, hosted a VBS for the same senior citizen group. Vacation Bible School isn’t just for kids! Pray for the senior citizen ministry of Ministerio Impacto.


10. Pray for the Wayuu People in Colombia. The Wayuu live in La Guajira, a desert region in the northeast of Colombia. Pray for the flourishing of the Wayuu and that God will use the Wayuu church to bring glory to His name. To learn more about the Wayuu and how SAM missionaries are serving them, check out the Wajaro Foundation on social media.

March 2022 Prayer Focus


Stay With Jesus

In the chaos of today, in the midst of the pandemic, in the sufferings of war, the season of Lent begins – the 40 day period leading up to Easter. I want to prepare for the coming, death, and resurrection of Jesus. I want to take the journey to hope; but some days, I am struggling. This Ash Wednesday Devotional by Alicia Britt Chole captured my heart and challenged me to stay with Jesus. I hope it does the same for you. 

Yes, I too like the word. And its meaning is, well, meaningful. A sojourn is a temporary stay. 


and hear Him weep over stubborn hearts and turn over temple tables. (Luke 19:41, Luke 19:45-46)
and see the crowds shout “Hosanna!” and “Crucify him!” (Luke 19:37-38, Luke 23:21)
and witness the disciples pledge sincere faithfulness and deliver fear-filled abandonment. (Matthew 26:35, Matthew 26:56)


that we are the stubborn hearts
and the temple tables.
We are the fickle crowds
and the fearful disciples.
And He is our Savior.


and feel His grief when He calls Judas, “friend.” (Matthew 26:50)
and believe His voice when He tells Peter, “And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” (Luke 22:32)
and love His mercy when He cries, “Father forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34)


to hear,
to see,
to witness,
to feel,
to believe,
to love.

And on that morning, when the silent tomb gives way to an earth-shaking shout, and together we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, our hope is that these forty days prepare us to continue to stay with Jesus…until we see Him face to face.


1. Pray for Ciudad Corazón in Bogotá, Colombia.
The house church movement, Ciudad Corazón, in Bogotá launched its High Season for 2022 (a nine-month season of intense rhythms of studying and gathering) with the first five Sundays all together for groundwork on the Gospel of John.  This groundwork provides a toolbox for the house churches to meet the rest of the year and study this amazing gospel narrative in deep ways. Please pray for the words of Jesus to take a foothold in the lives of the church community and transform them in unimagined ways.

2. Pray for Marshall and Becca Kitron in Pucallpa Peru. Marshall teaches high school students at SAM academy. He teaches Bible, history, and PE. This year’s Bible class is Doctrines, and the history class is US History. Marshall also has a heart for discipleship. Often missionary kids are faced with the world in a different way when they return to their home countries for college. Please pray for him as he serves these students as a teacher and also a mentor. Please pray for the students that as they grow, they grow most in their faith in the Lord.


3. Pray for Dana Wilson and Proclama in Bolivia. Proclama exists to mobilize local Bolivian churches for world missions. This ministry informs, equips, and accompanies local churches in order that they may become actively and strategically involved in evangelizing the least reached peoples around the world. Proclama also orients, trains, and accompanies Bolivian missionary candidates in their journey to serve the Lord cross-culturally. 

Pray for Dana and local leaders as they continue to expand this ministry. They desire to have a viable business model that could serve as a training ground and/or as a model for missionary candidates going to creative access countries. They are seeking ways to make Proclama self-sustainable and less dependent on foreign donations. They are also trying to think outside the box about how to register Proclama in Bolivia.  Pray for wisdom and guidance from the Lord.  

4. Pray for the Therefore Alliance LatAm Leaders Gathering. Ministry leaders from SAM, TEAM, and Crossworld will gather March 13-17 in Medellin, Colombia to discuss needs and opportunities for Latin America as the world emerges from the pandemic. Pray for their time together as they pursue new harvest fields and look to be and work better together for the Kingdom.  

5. Pray for Henrique Terena in Brazil. Henrique is the director of CONPLEI, the Council of Indigenous Evangelical Pastors and Leaders in Brazil.  He and his wife Corina are looking forward to a full year of traveling for conferences, teaching, and fellowship. Please pray for good health for their family while they travel. 

They will be participating in the CONPLEI Youth conference on March 17-20 in Boa Vista, Roraima State.  Pray for the youth of the indigenous church to experience deep fellowship with God and each other. 

Henrique Terena


6. Pray for Comunidad Viva Youth in Bogotá, Colombia. Over the next 22 weeks, the Comunidad Viva team (including SAM missionaries Jorge and Ginny Enciso) will be investing in the lives of young people who have grown up as orphans in institutions and are about to exit.  Viva Youth’s mission is to “jumpstart young people’s life projects by plugging them into faith-based communities where sonship with God is restored and kingdom connections are strengthened.” Please pray for the Comunidad Viva team and youth.

7. Pray for Pablo Scetti and La Casa Azul in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Pastor Pablo Scetti leads a children’s ministry called La Casa Azul (The Blue House) in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Using puppets, La Casa Azul engages children and teaches them gospel truths. The AIEO, a local church association, has also asked Pastor Pablo to form a children’s ministry committee. Pray that this committee and this ministry will reach children with God’s Word. Pray for Pablo, SAM missionary Jeff HAuse, and other local church members who serve with La Casa Azul and in children’s ministry that they would be rooted in God’s love and truth.


8. Pray for the Peru Field Conference. The Peru field missionaries will gather together March 21-25 for worship, teaching, and fellowship.  Pray that God would deepen their collective identity as an abiding, loving, redemptive, suffering, and growing community to the praise of His glory.

9. Pray for the Ami Training Center in Brazil. Classes for the new year begin this March.  Pray for the multicultural staff (pictured) as they teach, disciple, and serve the students. The students are multicultural as well, coming from different indigenous tribes.  Pray for grace, unity, and love to cover this school year to the praise and glory of God. 

10. Pray for the outreach of Iglesia Biblica y Verdad in Lima, Peru. The church has begun an outreach to children and their families in Luces de Villa Maria, a district on the outskirts of the city. The children have been learning about the Attributes of God, and the mothers have been studying the Gospel of Mark.  Pray that this ministry would bear much fruit in the lives of these children and their families as well as in the lives of the church members as they serve together. SAM missionaries Larry and Bonnie Secrest serve and minister with this church.



11. Pray for the river ministry in the Beni, Bolivia. SAMAIR and a Bolivian pastor, Enoel, recently helped to repair and restock a boat in the small community of La Soga.  This boat will be used by a local pastor-missionary to evangelize and establish churches along the river in the Beni, a logistically hard area to reach in Bolivia. 

February 2022 Prayer Focus

Love One Another

Commanded to Love

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:34-35 (NIV)

Command. The word caught my attention immediately. Command seems to be such a strong and maybe controversial word these days. Let’s be honest, most of us do not like being told what to do. And a command to love is not easy to obey. 

Is that why Jesus commanded his disciples and us to love? Because he knew that it wouldn’t always be easy for us to love one another or convenient or comfortable or even the desire of our heart? And some days, we just wouldn’t feel like loving someone? I love how Jesus doesn’t command us and then leave us to figure out how and why.

By offering a command here, Jesus moves the focus from the feeling of love to the decision to love. Jesus knew that we would not always feel like it, so he commanded it. Helping us to understand that love is truly a decision, not an emotion.

Jesus tells us how to love others…“as I have loved you.” His love is sacrificial, unselfish. It has no limitations, no boundaries. In his love for us, Jesus was willing to die for us. It is only by knowing him and following him that we discover the power to love sacrificially too.

Jesus says that when we love as he has loved, we become a powerful attraction for people who do not know Jesus. By this everyone will know that we are his disciples, “if [we] love one another.” They will know we are truly children of God.

Lord Jesus, may our love for others attract them to you. May our SAM missionaries, ministries, partner organizations, and churches be a loving community to those who seek you. May we all be faithful models of your love. Amen


1. Pray for Ally Lee in Arequipa, Peru. What started as an experiment this past fall when a stranger asked Ally if she would teach her children English turned into “English en el Parque,” an outdoor classroom with 12 neighborhood children. Ally’s assistant was a TEAM missionary kid, and they held class from August through November. They will start English classes again this month. Pray for their relationships with the kids and their families. Pray that God would give them opportunities to share His love with them.

Ally Lee


2. Pray for Brad Hopper. Brad has joined the SAM Home Office team as Director of Development. His focus is to cultivate and develop resources for SAM so that our Kingdom-building ministries continue to grow year after year. But this is not Brad’s first time serving with us. His first cross-cultural mission experience, at age 20, was with SAM on a summer team. We are in awe at the providence of God in bringing Brad and his wife, Jennie, back into our community.

3. Pray for SAMAIR Bolivia. SAMAIR had the privilege to fly two Bolivian pastors and two American pastors with Catalyst Ministries to the small northern town of San Joaquin for theological training with the local pastors there. Pray that the training bears much fruit in the hearts and lives of the pastors and their churches. Also, pray that the community will hear and receive the gospel!

4. Pray for Joel Kearney in Brazil. Joel has a heart for discipleship and recently experienced the joy of baptizing Del, a young man whom he had discipled. Praise God for Del’s life! Joel has been supporting the ministry of JOCUM Eugênio. Located in the interior of Brazil, this ministry exists to share the hope of Christ, disciple and care for youth and their families, and foster disciples who make God known in surrounding villages. Pray for Del and the other youth who are seeking to follow Christ.


5. Pray for Bill and Joy Carrera in Pucallpa, Peru.  Joy serves with SAMAIR Peru as flight coordinator, pilot, and mechanic. Bill serves at SAM Academy as the principal and high school math teacher. Vaccine mandates by the Peruvian government pose challenges to their usual ministry and work environments. Pray for Godly wisdom for Joy and Bill in their leadership roles as they adjust to reduced aviation and teaching staff. 

6. Pray for Jake and Lauren Jones in Bogota, Colombia. Jake and Lauren lead the Wajaro Foundation. Wajaro’s vision is to accompany communities most affected by Colombia’s historic armed conflict in their pursuit of peace, justice, reconciliation, and collective well-being. Please pray for Jake and Lauren as they seek to abide in Christ and participate in His work of reconciliation.

7. Pray for the Indigenous Women’s conference in eastern Bolivia. The AMEI Women’s Conference has been postponed twice in the past four months due to Covid protocols and sickness. Pray for the conference organizers, led by Mirtha Surubi, that God will give wisdom on how and when to get this amazing group of indigenous leaders, women, and sisterhood of believers together for encouragement and sustenance through the Word and fellowship with each other. 

8. Pray for Mike and Kelli Anderson in Brazil. Mike and Kelli serve at the Ammi Training Center, teaching and discipling students. Please pray for them as parents as they homeschool their kids. While homeschooling is going well, Mike and Kelli are increasingly aware of the need for friendships with kids their age. Please pray for wisdom as they look for ways to meet their educational and social needs.

Anderson Homeschooling


9. Pray for the SAM Academy in Pucallpa, Peru. Please pray for the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of the staff at SAM Academy as they educate and care for missionary kids. Classes are back to in-person with a variety of educational and ministry opportunities for the students. Pray that the teachers and staff would find hope in and deep connection with Christ and His Word.  

10. Pray for Frank and Luz Zajicek in Gaira, Colombia. Frank and Luz live and serve in Gaira, a community outside the city of Santa Marta on the Caribbean coast. They have a deep love and passion for the people of Colombia. They hope to see families transformed by the gospel. Pray for their ministry with youth and families through Bible studies and the local church.

11. Pray for Mike and Marina Shank in Guatemala. Mike and Marina recently helped with a Vacation Bible School at a small church plant in the town of San Pablo La Laguna. The culture is very different in San Pablo and most people’s (including the kids’) first language is an indigenous Mayan language called Tz’utujil, rather than Spanish. Ministry in this town has been challenging, and the church is mostly comprised of women. Pray for this small church in San Pablo – that God would encourage the leaders and raise up both men and women in the church.

Shanks VBS



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