Dawson, Ryan and Jenny

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Ryan and Jenny Dawson serve as dual-member missionaries with SAM and Mission Padamo Aviation and Support (MPAS).

Ryan and Jenny grew up in Venezuela as children of missionaries. Jenny moved to Venezuela as part of a mission aviation family. Ryan was born there as a third-generation missionary. He grew up in the jungle context.

They joined MPAS in 2011 hoping to serve together as a mission aviation family in Venezuela. However, given the escalation of the political and social crisis, the possibility of that goal began shrinking rapidly. While praying about their clear call to ministry, they took the step of faith to attend a year of language school in Costa Rica. During that year, they connected with South America Mission and our SAMAIR program.

Now, the Dawson family is assigned to SAMAIR Peru. They serve the local church via mission aviation throughout the Eastern jungles of Peru. Their hearts beat for the advancement of the gospel as well as the role of the church in the establishment of God’s kingdom on Earth.

Donations to Support the Dawsons’ Ministry with SAM

Please visit Mission Padamo Aviation and Support (MPAS) to make a donation for the Dawsons’ personal support.

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