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Pray for: the Trans-Amazon Network

Wednesday, December 4th, 2024

This season, we’re Celebrating Lives Changed and answered prayers from 2024!

In October, we prayed for the Trans-Amazon Network Encounter in Ecuador, and God moved powerfully! Sixty Indigenous leaders from six countries and 24 ethnic groups came together to build relational trust, collaborate, and encourage each other. Indigenous women also began forming their own networks of women’s groups. Praise God for the Three Waves Movement and ALTECO.

SAM is honored to partner with these incredible leaders as they strengthen the Indigenous church across the Amazon and lowlands of South America. Our first-wave missionaries, Jenna Weigner and Craig DeLille, joined the gathering to support and encourage. Third-wave SAM missionaries Henrique and Corina Terena shared their wisdom and passion, while César and Mirtha Surubí from Torre Fuerte in Bolivia added their voices to this transformative time.

Pray for each of them and the Trans-Amazon Network as they continue to share the hope of the Gospel.

Follow along on SAM’s Facebook to see a video of the Trans-Amazon Network Encounter!