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Edgar, Todd & Stephanie
From: $25 – subscription plan available
Todd and Stephanie joined SAM in 2001 as missionaries to Pucallpa, Peru. They have three children, all girls, Kaitlin, Anya, and Naia.
Todd serves as the chief of maintenance for SAMAIR Peru. He works hard to ensure the safety of the airplanes. SAMAIR Peru uses these planes to minister to those living in remote villages.
Having grown up in Peru as a missionary kid (MK), Stephanie serves at the Heartbeats of Hope Pregnancy Center. You can find her at the pregnancy center in Pucallpa. It is a place of hope and healing for those who are afraid and hurting.
Both ministries are integral to meeting people where they are and being dispensers of God’s grace to those in need of Christ.
Ministry: Heartbeats of Hope
Heartbeats of Hope Crisis Pregnancy Center started with a partnership of seven churches in Pucallpa, Peru. We exist to evangelize and counsel women who are facing crisis pregnancies. We aim to prevent abortion and offer a new life of hope found only in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Ministry: SAMAIR Peru
2025 Project: Invest in Solar Power at SAMAIR Peru
Imagine an aerial view of a Cessna 206 floatplane, suspended above the backdrop of an Amazon River tributary with a remote village on its flooded banks.
Ministry: Peru Field, GO Fund
Each of South America Mission’s countries of service incurs costs associated with managing and facilitating ministry and caring for missionaries (e.g. compliance with local government regulations, operating a field office, stewarding field finances, etc.) Resources allocated in support of the general operations of the Peru field directly support the infrastructure essential to ministry.