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Brazilian and Angolan Church Partnership

The Council of Christian Churches of Angola invited Planters Brazil, a Brazilian church-planting ministry, to participate in a national missions conference based in Luanda, Angola. SAM missionary Craig DeLille was honored to join Planters Brazil, contributing to Kingdom growth and the spiritual health of the Angolan church.

Angola, a Portuguese-speaking nation, has a history of wars and destruction. The country struggles with a devastated population, broken infrastructure, and damaged public administration, economy, and religious institutions.

A team of nine pastors and missionaries, including Craig and Brazilian pastor Iraquitan Carvalho, visited several provinces of Angola, teaching, preaching, and encouraging the local church. Craig and Iraquitan also provided training and education for the International Conference of Missions held by the Council of Christian Churches of Angola. 

As the Angolan church leaders continue to look to Brazilian churches and leaders for discipleship, missionary training, and church-planting support, pray for these brothers and sisters eager to see God’s kingdom grow and flourish. Pray that God continues to use these relationships and connections for His glory.

Henrique and Corina Dias Terena

Henrique and Corina have served the Indigenous of Brazil for years in different ministries and roles, including working at Ami Training Center, CONPLEI, ALTECO, and the Three Waves Leadership Team. We are thrilled to have them join SAM as members of our community. They spent several weeks in the U.S. to meet and share with Kingdom co-laborers. What a privilege and honor to hear about their current and past work, including stories of initial contacts with new people groups. Pray that our deepened partnership will help strengthen the Indigenous Church throughout South America. 

the CONPLEI conference in Brazil

We rejoice that the Gospel is being passed on by the Indigenous to the Indigenous in Brazil. CONPLEI (National Congress of Evangelical Indigenous Pastors and Leaders) is celebrating 32 years with a gathering of Indigenous leaders and mission agencies from Brazil, Europe, and North America to collaborate and dream of the future of Indigenous missions for the next 10, 20, and 50 years. Pray for unity, wisdom, and vision for this conference which will be held July 20-23 with about 300 in attendance.

Dan Snyder

Dan is spending three weeks in Brazil connecting with Indigenous leaders. He is helping to coordinate the logistics for three conferences for the Indigenous church hosted at the Ammi Training Center, including the upcoming CONPLEI conference. Pray for wisdom, discernment, and love as he interacts, plans, and works with others.

Street Ministry in Brazil

Tracey Culley, serving in Recife, Brazil, has joined a ministry at her local church called Voz na Esquina (Voice on the Corner). For over 12 years, the church has brought snacks, water, friendship, and prayer to those involved in the sex industry. This is a complex and humbling ministry. Pray for wisdom and perseverance to continue pursuing this particular group with God’s kindness and love.

Henrique and Corina Terena Dias

Henrique and Corina are passionate about the Indigenous Church in South America. They serve as advisors and coordinators of the Trans Amazon Network. Their desire is to grow Indigenous networks creating other training centers across the continent. And increasing the connection between the national church and the Indigenous church. With the Trans Amazon Network, they visited Ecuador to encourage the non-indigenous church leadership to join the indigenous church leaders to create a consortium with missions agencies and local churches. Pray for the formation of a consortium in Ecuador to support the Indigenous church. Pray for the family and ministry of Henrique and Corina.

Indigenous ministry in northeast Brazil

For several years, a Brazilian missionary pastor, Daniel, has been visiting a remote village in northeastern Brazil. After some initial resistance, he has built relationships within the community, and several have come to know the Lord. He has been visiting several times a week and assisting with projects for the community, like building a classroom for the children. The community has a deep love and respect for Daniel. Recently, SAM missionary Todd Carroll had the opportunity to drive Pastor Daniel and other Brazilian missionaries from a seminary to visit the village and build a bathroom with the locals. Pray for the flourishing of this village, Pastor Daniel, and more opportunities to partner with them.

the Sertão region of Brazil

The Sertão is a semi-arid region in northeastern Brazil. There are several communities in the Sertão of indigenous peoples and Quilombola (Afro-Brazilians who live in settlements first established by escaped slaves in Brazil.) Many of these communities are isolated, experience food and water insecurity, and lack access to resources and opportunities. A team of Brazilians and SAM missionaries traveled to visit a Brazilian missionary couple that the Recife ministry supports. Pray for the Brazilian couple who has been serving in this region for the last ten years, seeking to establish churches and reach these communities with the Gospel.

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