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Todd and Erika Carroll

Todd and Erika Carroll and their kids are relocating and launching a new ministry in João Pessoa on the far eastern tip of Brazil. This northeast area has the second highest concentration of Indigenous people, plus three other minority groups considered unreached and underserved in Brazil: the Quilombolas, the Sertanejos, and the Gypsies. This opportunity for witness builds on their past ministry in this geographic area as well as their more recent work at Ammi Bible indigenous training center. Pray for the ongoing work at Ammi and for open doors to new ministry for Todd and Erika in João Pessoa.

Tracey Culley and Recife youth

 In Recife, Brazil a youth Bible study reconnected with a game night to begin the new year. Tracey Culley is leading this group with a desire to point the youth to Jesus and see them mature in their walks with God. Pray that God would help her as she is transitioning to leading the study on her own. Pray that God would use her to disciple and raise up some of the youth to lead alongside her. Also, pray that God would bring youth from the neighborhood to be consistently involved.

Recife Music Ministry

Master’s Touch, a music school ministry in Recife, Brazil, is back in session. They have started a new year and new classes with lots of new students! The music school trains local worship leaders as well as offers classes to kids in the community. Please pray for the teachers and students to grow in skill and ability, the love of music, and as individuals to the praise of God’s glory.

Dan and Julie Snyder

Dan and Julie served in Brazil for many years but have recently moved stateside. They will assist with international ministries and staff development in SAM’s Home Office (Fort Mill, SC). Their years of experience will be a great asset to these areas. Please pray for the Snyders during this transition.

Ammi Training Center

The students at Ammi in Brazil enjoy playing soccer and volleyball in their free time, but the court has been in great need of repair. After months of planning, Ammi received donations for the materials from Brazilian supporters, and a church in Cuiaba offered to come and work alongside the students and staff to rebuild the court. Praise God for the partnership with the Brazilian church and supporters. Pray that this new court would be a blessing to the fellowship at Ammi.

Pastoral training in Recife, Brazil

In Recife, Brazil, SAM Center hosted a weekend retreat for local pastors in partnership with Downline Ministries. Downline focuses on the importance of discipleship within the church, and the retreat included training sessions for the pastors on how to implement intentional discipleship within their church. It was an encouraging weekend for the Recife ministry team and the pastors! Pray for future opportunities to partner with Downline and to continue investing in local pastors. 

Ammi Training Center

While many Ammi staff and students travel on ministry trips to remote villages in Brazil, the students and staff that remain on campus enjoy a special time of fellowship, training, and service. During the last ministry trip, Regina, a Brazilian missionary who focuses on community development in minority populations, came to Ami to teach baking classes. Students and staff also cleaned, had a pizza night, and provided activities for the children. Pray for the ministry of Regina and for the students and staff of Ammi.

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