Worsham Legacy Fund

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Worsham Legacy Fund for leadership, governance and collaboration

Jerry Wayne Worsham—December 15, 1946 – August 17, 2020

Jerry Worsham pastored Grace Church in Racine, WI, for 35 years. He served on and led SAM’s board for nearly as long.

Jerry was an exemplary board member and chairman. He invested deeply in our community. He prayed earnestly, visited often, recruited and sent missionaries from his church and modeled a passion for the church and for making disciples.

Many who knew Jerry were encouraged by his life and passion. Most of us learned something from Jerry. SAM as a whole has been shaped and served by Jerry, and his wife, Jane, with him, in innumerable ways.

A pastor of Grace Church (and former SAM missionary) wrote to share news of Jerry’s home going, reminding the church that “to live is Christ and to die is gain” was among Jerry’s favorite verses. We also heed Jerry’s trademark exhortation to us: “First of all pray.”

We will, giving praise and thanks to God for the life and witness and example of Pastor Jerry.


The Worsham Legacy fund will build excellent leadership at all levels and cultivate stewardship through godly, organizational governance. As Chairman of South America Mission’s Board for more than three decades, Jerry embodied that leadership and stewardship in every way, not only as Chairman, but as faithful pastor, husband, dad and grandfather.

Jerry’s love for the Lord burned brightly until his last day, and the mission of his life was simple – to live “to the praise of his [Jesus’] glory” (Ephesians 1:12).

Please give today to keep Jerry’s legacy flame burning so that it may light a path for the next generation of SAM leaders.

Jerry Worsham, Chairman of the Board
Pastor Jerry doing what he did best: preaching the gospel, exhorting to pray, and pointing to Jesus all those who came across his path.