Johnson, Kayla

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Following God’s call, Kayla will serve a one-year term with SAM in Pucallpa, Peru. With a heart for both missions and teaching, she will begin an immersive language study before stepping into a teaching role at SAM Academy.

Kayla grew up in south Georgia, where her home church, Emmanuel Baptist, played a significant role in shaping her faith and ministry. She considers the people of Emmanuel some of her greatest blessings and has served in music, children’s, youth, and women’s ministries.

Her walk with Christ began in sixth grade after a youth service where Brother Scotty Hayes preached. That moment sparked a deep, growing relationship with God. Currently, Brother Scotty Hayes and his family are serving as missionaries in the jungles of Peru. God has used them mightily in her call to missions.

At 15 years old, Kayla shared with Brother Scotty and Mrs. Jadison (his wife) that she felt God calling her into missions. As she continued to deepen her relationship with God, her heart for missions grew stronger. At 17, she took her first mission trip to Peru, where she quickly fell in love with the people and the culture. A year later, God opened the door for her to return, deepening her love for Peru and confirming her call to mission work.

On her first trip to Peru, her team hosted a VBS for missionary kids, many of whom attended SAM Academy. That experience opened her eyes to the unique role of missionary teachers and the impact they have on families serving on the field.

Kayla is excited to step into this next season of ministry – learning the language, investing in missionary families, and helping raise up the next generation of Christ followers.

    Ministry: Peru Field, GO Fund

    Each of South America Mission’s countries of service incurs costs associated with managing and facilitating ministry and caring for missionaries (e.g. compliance with local government regulations, operating a field office, stewarding field finances, etc.) Resources allocated in support of the general operations of the Peru field directly support the infrastructure essential to ministry.

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    Ministry: SAM Academy

    SAM Academy began in the jungle region of Pucallpa, Peru in 1966. South America Mission (SAM) responded to a need for education tailored to the needs of Third Culture Kids of missionary families.

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