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Ogden, Kirk & Emily
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Kirk and Emily desire to see the people of Latin America have a transforming encounter with Jesus. They serve SAM’s international team out of the Home Office in Fort Mill, SC.
Kirk serves as the current Executive Director. He shepherds SAM’s team of missionaries, cultivating the vision for SAM’s participation in the Great Commission, and providing strategic leadership to the mission community. His leadership brings SAM into collaboration with other mission organizations through Therefore Alliance.
Emily gathers prayer requests from SAM’s missionaries and assists them with their donor communication. She also helps with member care and hospitality as missionaries and partners pass through the Home Office.
Kirk and Emily joined South America Mission in 1999. Their first assignment was in church planting and leadership development in eastern Bolivia. Before that, they were involved in university student ministry in central Virginia with InterVarsity. Their passion for discipleship and study of the Word, which they developed during their early years of ministry, still informs their work today.
It is a joy to participate with their four children in God’s amazing redemptive work.
Ministry: Vision Fund (Core Support)
At the heart of God’s strategy for fulfilling the Great Commission is the multiplication of the church. “Going” and “making disciples” and “church” are all fundamentally about people, God’s redemptive agents.