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Secrest, Larry & Bonnie
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In 2023, Larry and Bonnie officially retired after 30 years of gospel ministry in Peru and other Latino countries. As SAM missionaries in Lima, the Secrests continued with their vision of seeing churches strengthened throughout Perú.
Focused on church planting and discipleship, they walked alongside numerous churches and people of all ages, sharing the Gospel and witnessing growth in God’s Kingdom. They served with Iglesia Biblica Gracia Eterna in Barranco, a Lima district, and two small churches in Villa Maria del Triunfo and San Martin de Porres. These two small churches merged virtually in mid-March 2020 during the pandemic, forming Iglesia Biblica Gracia y Verdad and appointing three Peruvian elders.
Additionally, the Secrests were founding members of VASE, “Voluntarios en Ayuda Social y Evangelismo” (Volunteers in Social Help and Evangelism). This Peruvian not-for-profit, legally recognized before the pandemic, aims to facilitate the entry of foreign medical teams and promote the formation of Peruvian medical teams. Their goal is to show mercy and present the gospel in remote areas throughout Peru and beyond.
In their retirement, Larry and Bonnie desire to support the local church and seek fellowship with a Hispanic congregation. Larry remains in contact with the leadership of VASE and hopes to, God willing, serve with future medical teams.
Ministry: Peru Field, GO Fund
Each of South America Mission’s countries of service incurs costs associated with managing and facilitating ministry and caring for missionaries (e.g. compliance with local government regulations, operating a field office, stewarding field finances, etc.) Resources allocated in support of the general operations of the Peru field directly support the infrastructure essential to ministry.