Mahon, Mike & Nancy

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Mike and Nancy are missionaries in Pucallpa, Peru. They are from Ohio, where Mike received training at Mission Maintenance Services in preparation for service in Peru. Mike serves on the SAMAIR team ensuring that the ministry has the necessary parts and authority to legally function. Nancy teaches at SAM Academy, instructing her students in the ways of English grammar, not an easy task. The Mahon children are Annette and Daniel. Annette has graduated from college and will soon be married while Daniel has just begun his college years.

Mike and Nancy desire to see the gospel transform lives and whole communities as the Church lives out its calling to be Christ’s Body demonstrating and declaring the gospel of grace.

    Ministry: SAM Academy

    SAM Academy began in the jungle region of Pucallpa, Peru in 1966. South America Mission (SAM) responded to a need for education tailored to the needs of Third Culture Kids of missionary families.

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    Ministry: SAMAIR Peru

    2025 Project: Invest in Solar Power at SAMAIR Peru

    Imagine an aerial view of a Cessna 206 floatplane, suspended above the backdrop of an Amazon River tributary with a remote village on its flooded banks.

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    Ministry: Peru Field, GO Fund

    Each of South America Mission’s countries of service incurs costs associated with managing and facilitating ministry and caring for missionaries (e.g. compliance with local government regulations, operating a field office, stewarding field finances, etc.) Resources allocated in support of the general operations of the Peru field directly support the infrastructure essential to ministry.

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