Culley, Tracey

Desde: $25 – subscription plan available

Tracey grew up north of Columbus, OH. Remaining close by, she attended The Ohio State University for her undergrad in Business Administration and Developmental Studies. During her time at Ohio State, she got involved with her sending church, Veritas Short North, as well as Cru. Upon graduating, she felt God calling her to serve with Cru for one year at their partnership location in Florianópolis, Brazil. However, the COVID-19 pandemic forced Tracey’s team to return earlier than expected to the US. Consequently, any opportunities for a second year of ministry in Brazil closed.

With an ongoing heart for missions, Tracey moved to serve in cross-cultural ministry with the Cru Lima, Peru team. Again, COVID-19 complications changed the course with her team living in Puerto Rico while serving virtually in Lima. Throughout these changes and experiences of different Latin American cultures and languages, her heart continued to grow for South America. And, ultimately, Brazil truly captured her heart.

With her contract at Cru ending, Tracey began searching for opportunities to integrate her studies of community and human development with her cross-cultural ministry experience. After connecting with SAM, she found the perfect fit in Recife, Brazil.

Her ministries with the Recife Redemptive Ministry include leading Bible studies for youth and young adults, discipling young women in the neighborhood, using her marketing degree to run the social media and help with various communication projects, teaching English classes, and using her gifts of hospitality to welcome people into her home and display for them the love and care of Jesus.

    Ministry: Recife Redemptive Ministry

    SAM missionaries, Craig and Mary Delille, walked through Frei Damião, a forgotten section of Dois Unidos, on the outskirts of Recife, Brazil, and knew right away their calling to provide adequate housing to replace the patch-work tin and tarp-covered homes in which many families were living.

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    Ministry: Brazil Field, GO Fund

    Each of South America Mission’s countries of service incurs costs associated with managing and facilitating ministry and caring for missionaries (e.g. compliance with local government regulations, operating a field office, stewarding field finances, etc.) Resources allocated in support of the general operations of the Brazil field directly support the infrastructure essential to ministry.

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    Ministry: SAM Center Brazil

    SAM Center Brazil (click for a visual story of the project)
    The South America Mission Center in Brazil (SAM Center Brazil) exists to see gospel transformation in the hearts and lives of our neighbors.

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