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Trans-Amazon Network Encounter

Please join us in praying for the Three Waves Movement and the Trans-Amazon Network as they prepare for the “Trans-Amazon Network Encounter” later this month.  SAM partners with the Indigenous networks in Bolivia (FRALIC) and Brazil (CONPLEI). 

Leaders from each Amazonian Indigenous network, about 70 men and women, will gather in Ecuador October 22-26 to plan collaboratively. As they talk together and share experiences, they will advance their work among the different Indigenous networks of the Amazon region in a unified manner. The physical presence and interactions will build communication and strengthen their ties as they work together to fulfill the Great Commission with the Indigenous Church.

Follow this link to find a prayer guide!

Missionaries on HMA

Please pray for our missionary families as they return to the U.S. for Home Ministry Assignment (HMA). This time is an opportunity for them to connect with churches, donors, and supporters while also finding rest and pursuing further training or education. Pray for safe travels, rejuvenation, and fruitful connections as they navigate the often-tiring demands of this season. May their time in the U.S. be filled with encouragement and renewal as they prepare for the next chapter of their ministry. Please be praying for the Shanks and the Martins as they begin HMA this month.

Three Waves Movement

The SAM U.S. office was blessed to have hosted members of the Three Waves Movement (TWM) leadership. TWM is a collaboration of the three “waves” of missions: foreign, national, and Indigenous. Missionaries and organizations are working together to reach South America’s unreached peoples of the Amazon and lowlands. Their vision is to see every Indigenous tribe worshiping and glorifying God as equal members of Christ’s body. Pray for deep unity, respect, and collaboration among the waves, for doors to be opened, and for God’s love to be spread among all people groups. Pray for the members of the Three Waves leadership: Henrique and Corina Terena (members of SAM), Javier Mayorga, Irma Espinoza, and Chris and Tina Ferry.

Missionaries who are Support Raising

God mobilizes His church body and community to accomplish His purposes. Some are “sent,” and some are “senders,” providing much-needed prayer and financial support. Pray for the missionaries on Home Ministry Assignment, which is a time to visit churches, supporters, and family and share updates and stories about all that God is doing in their areas of ministry. Please pray that God will provide the funds and partners needed.

Missionary Kids

Please pray for the children of SAM servants and missionaries. They have diverse educational, spiritual, emotional, and physical needs. Pray for good community and support as they grow in faith and knowledge.

April 14 is Global 4/14 Day, a day for prayer for children’s ministry worldwide to pray for children between the ages of 4 and 14. “Four to 14 window” is a term used to describe the age when people are most likely to accept Christ as Lord and Savior. Pray for children’s ministry leaders and volunteers in SAM’s ministries across Latin America. You can find a prayer guide here provided by Children’s Ministries International.

SAM’s Ministry Residency Program and Summer Internships

SAM’s onboarding manager, Ellen Adkins, will visit several college campuses over the next few weeks to share about SAM. In particular, she will be sharing about SAM’s new ministry residency program and summer internships. Pray that she connects with the right students and campus leaders and that they are receptive and open to how the Lord might call them. The internship is a six-week program this summer in Peru. The residency is a year-long US-based program starting in August. We are looking for six residents.

Pray for her time at CIU, Anderson, USC, Clemson, and North Greenville University.

the SAM Board of Directors

Praise God for the faithful women and men who serve on the SAM Board of Directors. During the board meetings this week, they look forward to hearing directly from Ministry Leaders from South America. Pray for a fruitful time of celebration, reflection, and planning.


Kristin Macurda

This is an exciting time of growth at SAM, and we want to grow in ways that make us stronger as related to our vision of Redeemed Lives, Beautiful Churches, and Transformed Communities. To that end, we have another new face at SAM! 

Kristin Macurda has joined the senior leadership team and will focus on organizational advancement and partnerships. She is passionate about discipleship and God’s work in the world. Kristin is helping SAM align our combined efforts in mission so we strategically come alongside God’s work in South America of developing beautiful churches. 

Leadership Gathering

On Mission Together: For the first time since the pandemic, country directors and ministry leaders are gathering for renewal, planning, and strategizing ahead of SAM Board Meetings. Leaders will start with a spiritual retreat ahead of meetings to dream about the season ahead and what it means to be “on mission together.”

Pray for these men and women and their time together.

the Gospel’s impact in cities

Movements of the Gospel that transform cities require more than one event or a single church. Pray for God to raise up catalyzers for the major cities of Latin America. Faithful people from across the continent have been going through a year-long training led by City to City. The training was just punctuated with an in-person gathering in Santiago, Chile, this month. Pray for the impact of their efforts as they return equipped and energized to the urban centers of the region.

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