April 2021 Prayer Focus

April 1, 2021 |
Planting Seeds in Bolivia

We Plant, God Grows

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we have the privilege of sowing the seed of the Gospel. God has provided us the seeds to plant, seeds that have the potential to grow into an abundant harvest of faith.

Our willingness to plant is what matters. We are called to spread these seeds among all who will listen. Across South America, we plant seeds by witnessing in neighborhoods, educating children in schools, flying mission airplanes into hard-to-reach places, leading Bible studies, feeding the poor. We do our part – sow the seed, water, tend, and reap the harvest – but we do not make the seed take root, sprout or bloom. That happens by God’s gracious work. 

Only God can reach a person’s heart. Only He can open the eyes of the blind and give new life.  He is the forgiver of sins and the giver of faith, not us. We are merely dedicated followers so eager to see new growth that we sow seeds wherever we go.

People are reaching – more now than ever before – for God’s warm, loving embrace. Join us in praying for the seeds that we all plant. May we stand in awe at the appearance of His beautiful blossoms, His towering oaks of righteousness. All for His glory.

1. Pray for Todd and Erika Carroll. Pray for Todd and Erika as they welcome indigenous pastoral students to the Ammi Training Center in Brazil. The students live, study, and serve on the campus for eight months. Pray for the Ammi team as they train gospel workers plus handle the logistics of meal preparation, cleaning facilities, arranging classrooms, and checking on students in their houses.

2. Pray for Alas de Águila (Eagle’s Wings). Pray for Faith Bremer and Alas de Águila (Eagle’s Wings), the service organization she founded at Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center in Bolivia. Faith, a “missionary kid” and high school student at SCCLC, is organizing a campaign to send shoes to high school students in a remote jungle village of Bolivia. Pray for all the details and collaboration that she is handling for the project which engages Bolivian believers to give and reach out to their neighbors.


3. Pray for the presidential elections in Peru. Eligible citizens must vote in person during the first round on Sunday, April 11. Pray for the health and safety of their voters as COVID-19 rates are still high across the country. Pray for the candidates running on a variety of platforms. Pray for God’s peace and power to reign among the people.

4. Pray for Frank and Luz Zajicek. Praise for their new outreach to teen girls from economically struggling families in the barrio La Paz, Colombia (suburb of Santa Marta on the north coast). Pray for Luz and the other female leaders as they connect with the girls through proper nail care sessions. Pray for soft hearts and a spirit of openness as they share about life in Christ.

5. Pray for the family of Penny Storms, a retired SAM missionary, who passed into eternal life in February. In 2013, Penny included a prayer in her newsletter to friends and supporters celebrating 55 years of God’s faithfulness. Let us join her in this same prayer today: “My prayer for all of us is that we desire with all our hearts to be all that God has in mind for us to be. That we won’t look back, but leave the past with Him who forgives and forgets. That we not look forward, for God see the future, and He will face with us every trial and bear the burdens. But, let us look up into the face of Jesus. There our hearts can rest, our fears are stilled, and we have perfect peace as every hope is fulfilled.”

6. Pray for Manos que Suman, a partner ministry of Iglesia de la Ciudad. This ministry actively supports “shared pot” sites (similar to a community soup kitchen) existing within areas of extreme poverty in Lima, Peru. Pray for Steven and Jen Freund as they participate in the installation of water tanks and water filters at several shared pot sites. Pray that they have the opportunity to share the love of Christ as they meet and encourage those living within the shared pot communities.


7. Pray for our missionaries starting in their ministry locations. Pray for Micah and Haley Bittner as they join the team in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Pray for their visa application to be approved. Also, pray for their transition, especially their two young sons.

8. Pray for Craig and Mary DeLille. Pray for their leadership of Recife Redemptive Ministry which responds to spiritual and felt needs, demonstrating God’s heart for the impoverished in Brazilian communities. Praise God for the renovations that were completed at the music school. Join them in praying that the COVID situation in their area improves so students can return to in-person music classes soon, learning to make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

9. Pray for La Iglesia Nueva Esperanza in Colombia. Praise God that this church is able to hold in-person services for adults with bio-safety protocols and social distancing. Pray for the volunteers who are checking temperatures and disinfecting the building which allows the church to meet the spiritual and practical needs of His people. Pray for their grocery package distribution after services. May they continue to be a light and help in their community.

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10. Pray for John and Minori Lucas. We praise God for John and Minori who have faithfully served for 30 years in Pucallapa, Peru. Join us in thanking God for His faithfulness through all the ups and downs. Also, thank Him for the supporters who have sustained their family through prayer and financial gifts over the years. We rejoice in their continued service to the Lord!

11. Pray for the Bolivian Evangelical University. Praise the Lord that even with virtual classes, student registration numbers remain strong. These students receive both academic and spiritual education to become true leaders of change plus models of integrity, competence and Christian service. Pray for the building and refurbishing projects underway, taking advantage of the fact that not many people are on campus.

12. Pray for a new church plant in Peru. Praise God for the new church plant in the José Luis Bustamante y Rivero district of Arequipa. The new church is meeting virtually due to COVID restrictions. Pray for wisdom as Edward and Esme Zárate and Seth and Jessica Malec lead the church. Pray for the church’s vision for the Kingdom and the growth of its leaders.