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Ami Training Center

This season, we’re Celebrating Lives Changed and reflecting on answered prayers from 2024!

At Ami Training Center in Brazil, teachers and staff equip students from indigenous tribes to lead and disciple in their communities, sharing the Gospel and building the Church. After praying for these students, we’re rejoicing in an unforgettable celebration: graduation, baptisms, and powerful moments of worship! 

Join us in thanking God for His provision and praying for these graduates as they carry the hope of Christ into their communities. 

Follow along on SAM’s Facebook to watch highlights from this joyful day! 


Ricardo and Flavia Poquiviqui

This season, we’re Celebrating Lives Changed and reflecting on answered prayers from 2024!

This year, we prayed for Ricardo and Flavia Poquiviqui, who have faithfully served Indigenous communities in Northeast Brazil for over 20 years. Today, we celebrate an incredible answer to prayer: they’re officially joining the South America Mission family!

Through their ministry with CONPLEI, they’ve been instrumental in researching and mapping Indigenous villages while providing pastoral care and support to these communities. Join us in welcoming them and praying for their continued work with Northeast Brazil’s 58 Indigenous ethnicities, including 29 tribes that have not yet heard the Gospel.

Together, we’re celebrating lives changed for eternity!

Katrina Smith and the Ami Training Center

Throughout this month, we’ll be sharing messages of gratitude from missionaries across Latin America.

From Katrina Smith, serving in Santa Cruz, Bolivia:

“I’m so thankful for the non-profit organization here in Santa Cruz, Peace and Hope (Paz y Esperanza), that I get to volunteer with on a weekly basis. Over the past year, I have been able to lead a Bible study through the John with the staff. I thank God for that opportunity and for the humble hearts that I serve with. I am also very thankful for my family of three beautiful daughters and a little boy on the way this December. I am praising God for His faithfulness!”

From the Ami Training Center in Brazil:

Please watch our social media video to see the students and staff of Ami expressing gratitude. You will also get a glimpse of the mealtime at Ami! Pray for the Indigenous students and staff as they finish the school year.

Follow along on SAM’s Facebook and Instagram to see videos from Katrina and the Ami Training Center!


Craig and Mary DeLille

Throughout this month, we’ll be sharing messages of gratitude from missionaries across Latin America.

From Craig and Mary, serving in Brazil:

We are so thankful for our family, Shelby, Genn & Keenen and our adorable grandsons. Our hearts are full. We are grateful for SAM missionary Tracey Culley and the opportunity to serve together these past two and half years. ‘Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.’ Psalms 100: 4-5”

We are thankful for Craig and Mary!

Follow along on SAM’s Facebook and Instagram to see photos and videos to accompany these testimonies of gratitude.


The Carrolls and the Sengs

Throughout this month, we’ll be sharing messages of gratitude from missionaries across Latin America.

From Todd and Erika Carroll, serving in Brazil: “We are deeply grateful for the many prayers from our supporters that surround and strengthen our work.”

We are thankful for Todd and Erika!

From Wes and Trudy Seng, retired missionaries in Brazil: “Wes and I are so thankful to God for His faithfulness to us. We are here, not because we are faithful, but because He is. And ‘the longer we serve Him, the sweeter He grows’ as the Gaithers expressed it. We have been excited with the fresh new wind that seems to be blowing here, and the Terenas seem to be interested once more in God’s word.”

We are thankful for Wes and Trudy and their years of ministry alongside the Indigenous people of Brazil. We are grateful for faithful retirees who continue to serve the Lord and His purposes in the world.

Follow along on SAM’s Facebook and Instagram to see photos of the Sengs and Carrolls.

Tracey Culley and Tony and Meli Antivero

Throughout this month, we’ll be sharing messages of gratitude from missionaries across Latin America.

Today we have two messages!

From Tracey Culley, serving in Brazil:

“I’m thankful for my English students!”

We are thankful for Tracey and her heart for Brazil!

From the SAM Home Office:

We are thankful for new missionaries joining our team. Tony and Meli Antivero, after years of ministry in the U.S, are raising support to serve God on the border of Uruguay and Brazil, their home countries. We are thrilled to welcome Tony and Meli!

Follow along on SAM’s Facebook and Instagram to see photos of Tracey with her English class students and the Antiveros.

Don and Vera Bergson

Throughout this month, we’ll be sharing messages of gratitude from missionaries across Latin America.

From Vera Bergson, serving in Brazil:

Don and I are celebrating this season with very thankful hearts for our children Filipe and Amanda as they pursue their dreams. Filipe is working in the arts and film, and Amanda is an Airbnb owner in Pipa Beach. We are very thankful for 17 years serving at Ami Training Center in Brazil. It’s a blessing to serve among the Indigenous people. 

We are thankful for Don and Vera!

Follow along on SAM’s Facebook and Instagram to see photos and videos to accompany these testimonies of gratitude.

the Snyder Family

Praise God for the life and legacy of Margie Snyder, who went to be with the Lord on October 17. Margie and her husband, Dave, faithfully served with SAM in Brazil from 1960-1998 and again from 2004-2010, leaving a lasting impact on countless lives. Please join us in praying for Dave, their five children and their spouses, as well as their many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as they honor her memory and walk through this time of grief. May God’s comfort and peace surround them as they celebrate her remarkable life of service and love.

Carroll family in Brazil

Please pray for the Carroll family as they serve in João Pessoa, Northeast Brazil, where Indigenous groups and underserved communities like the Quilombolas, Sertanejos, and Gypsies live. Todd and Erika are committed to supporting local churches in evangelism, church planting, and leadership development among these groups. They also seek to build partnerships between local churches and leaders of these communities. Pray for fruitful ministry and strengthened connections that will lead to lasting spiritual growth and care for these people groups.

Ami Training Center

Please pray that God would provide volunteers and missionaries to serve at the Ami Training Center. Ami needs staff for the kitchen, maintenance, children’s program, and teaching Portuguese. Please pray that God will expand the team at Ami to serve the Indigenous students.

You can find a video from a SAM missionary and a SAIM missionary serving at Ami on SAM’s Facebook and Instagram accounts. 

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