Pray for Jason Weigner’s ministry alongside the indigenous community to develop agricultural and infrastructure systems for the new discipleship center in eastern Bolivia that foster long-term, sustainable growth.
Wes and Trudy Seng, Brazil
Pray for Wes and Trudy Seng at the Semiraitá Center in Iranduba, Brazil, as they discern how to support well the Center’s new Director, AlcerÃs Dias. Pray for wisdom, for the Sengs to be able to encourage AlcerÃs’s flourishing in his role.
Donna Martin, Peru
Pray for the Lord to introduce Donna Martin of the Ayacucho Initiative team to one or two women this year with whom she can form long-term, discipling relationships that lead to soul renewal and desires to serve the community.
Dina Condori, Bolivia
Pray for Dina Condori of the PROCLAMA team in Bolivia. Pray for stamina to finish her master’s degree and for financial resources for the PROCLAMA team to hire her as the ministry’s Member Care coordinator.
Chris Himes, Brazil
Pray for Chris Himes in Recife, Brazil. Pray for his leadership and wise discernment as he develops a plan to begin a discipleship group with boys he has coached for years through the Redemptive Ministries team’s Soccer ministry.
SAM Discipleship Ministries
The Semiraitá Discipleship Center team in Iranduba, Brazil, asks for prayer as a new term begins and students come from isolated areas, eager to learn God’s Word but with limited knowledge of Portuguese. Pray for knowledge to reach hearts, that the Holy Spirit will translate what is important and that the teachers will know how to guide the young students into maturity in Christ. Pray for AlcerÃs Dias, the young Director of the Center. Pray for his faith, courage and stamina to see the project through.
SAM Discipleship Ministries
The Ayacucho (Peru) Initiative Team works among university students and professionals, communicating the gospel of grace and pointing people to Christ as the team builds the foundation of a church-planting movement in the city. Pray for the SAM team in Ayacucho as they discern the people God is directing them to this year to form relationships that mutually point to Christ. Ask God to give the team the impulse to create space and occasions where the gospel can be shared and discipleship initiated, whether its through English language instruction, special meals and gatherings around holidays, or through introductions to friends’ places of work or businesses.
SAM Discipleship Ministries
The Recife Redemptive Ministries team in Brazil uses the arts and sports, music and soccer, to point young people to a Creator God who has given the good and perfect gifts of artistic expression, athleticism and good health. Pray for the ministry of the Touch of the Master Music School that elicits human creativity from its students and points them to the Father of Christ as the source of all creative expression. Pray for the young soccer players whom Chris Himes has been coaching for a few years, for them to grow in wisdom and knowledge of Christ and to participate in the dedicated discipleships groups that Chris is forming.
SAM Discipleship Ministries
SAM Bolivia and Fundación Raphá are collaborating together to build an indigenous discipleship center in eastern Bolivia. During these early stages of the center’s development as many indigenous volunteers and an international missionary team work side-by-side, pray for many discipling moments for the entire community as they make sacrifices to serve and as God builds unity in pursuit of the vision of the center.
SAM Discipleship Ministries
Jorge and Ginny Enciso’s (SAM Colombia) 24-year-old adopted son, Juan, took a step of faith by agreeing to attend a 6-month training program in Guadalajara, Mexico. The program grounds students in scripture while teaching how to work and serve the church cross-culturally. Pray for Juan as he discerns a call for missionary service. Pray for his growth in the spiritual disciplines as a means for Christ to disciple Juan’s heart. Pray for the Fundación Comunidad Viva team that Jorge and Ginny lead, as they look to develop relationships with programs (like the one Juan is attending) where they can direct young people in their community to be discipled into future leaders.
Download the March prayer guide focusing on SAM Discipleship Ministries.