August 2021 Prayer Focus

August 3, 2021 |

Alianza y Misionera de Yarina

Praying for Beautiful Churches in Peru

Oftentimes, we take the church for granted and don’t pray for our own church much less others. Especially before the pandemic. The doors to the church were open every Sunday for worship, programming, and fellowship. During the week, the church was open for Bible study, preschool, afterschool, youth group, pastoral counseling, choir rehearsal, committee meetings, prayer time, and more. We let the church pray for us, serve us.

The pandemic changed many things, one being how we view the church. She is still as beautiful as ever, but her doors can close. We dare not forget that God’s church is a gathering of people through whom he works out the purposes of redemption – in individuals, families, cities, and nations. As the church infuses the world with the grace and mercy of Jesus, she takes on the beauty that God desires for her.

We need to pray for our church and churches around the globe who share the gospel message and train both new and old believers in God’s truth. This month, we share prayer requests for pastors, churches, and church networks in Peru as they offer the hope of Christ to their local communities. Please join us in praying for these beautiful churches.

1. Pastor Esaud, Iglesia ICP: Pray for the pastor as he leads this church. They have been able to meet at least three times in person this year. May those attending in person or online come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.

2. Pastor Russell, Iglesia Evangélica Kerygma: Pray for the pastor’s health and back. Pray for the money needed for treatment. May he continue to encourage those in the church to encounter Jesus as their personal savior.

3. Pastor Meison, Iglesia Redentor: Pray for the integration of leadership into the work of the church. Pray for the physical health of several leaders. Pray for young couples. Pray for the training that we have via Zoom so that the desire to study God’s word does not diminish.

Iglesia Redentor


4. Pastor Carlos, Refugio Deaf Church: Pray for the pastor’s strength and stamina. Pray that God raises up a new pastor to eventually take over as Pastor Carlos is 67 years old and hoping to retire at some point. Pray that the Lord works in the hearts of the unbelieving attenders.

5. Pastor José, Alianza y Misionera Pucallpa Centro: Pray for our next challenge as a church, “Pucallpa Encounter with God”. Evangelistic Nights from July 1 until next year, every night via Zoom.

6. New Church Plant, IBC Bustamante: Praise for the church’s first baptisms at the end of July. This is a great cause for celebration- the Lord has been faithful to save and to make disciples, and we are excited to praise Him together!

Baptism at IBC Bustamante July 2021

7. Pastor David, Iglesia Evangélica Misionera: Please pray for unity in the body of Christ. Pray for patience in all the people who continue to wait to have face-to-face services. Pray for wisdom for the pastor and leaders to discern the times and purposes of God.

8. Pastor Alexis Gonzalez, Mil Palmeras: Pray for the future plans of the church and the money needed for construction. Praise that they were able to meet in person for the first time since March 2020.

9. Pastor Lister, Alianza y Misionera de Yarina: Pray for the health of the pastor and his wife as both have some illnesses. Pray for their strength as they minister to the church. Praise that the church is growing. Pray that God brings more leaders to disciple new believers.

10. Pastor Anselmo, Iglesia Evangélica: Pray that we are a unified church that shows the love of God. Pray for our ministry to children. Pray that people return to the Lord after a long time away due to the pandemic.

Iglesia Evangélica Misionera


11. Pastor Gilmar – Iglesia Bíblica Cristiana: Pray that we are a faithful, healthy, and strong church. Praise for the baptism of six people this summer. May their lives reflect what it means to be like Jesus. Pray for Pastor Gilmar, his wife, and their son.

12. The Lima Initiative: Pray for the “Respira Pastor” campaign that raises funds to financially support pastors and their families who are facing medical emergencies directly caused by COVID-19. Many pastors have become infected while faithfully serving those who are sick, helpless, and living in extreme conditions.

Creating Space

June 24, 2021 |

Wajaro Full Table

Having the Wájaro office in our home for the past 5 years has been a messy, but beautiful season of shared space and mutual growth. It has served to shape us into the Wájaro community that we are. The Wájaro team has graciously stepped over toys, ignored the sibling rivalry, looked away from piles of laundry, and tolerated us Joneses when we got up on the wrong side of the bed.

There have also been seasons of burnout, times where I, Lauren, opened my front door to our team in the morning, still in my pajamas, with a severe lack of that “joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart.” It can be exhausting to constantly share living space with guests and co-workers. But even in seasons of being “hospitalitied out” as I call it, I feel a renewed sense of purpose when we’re able to host our extended team of Indigenous leaders from near and far. Creating more room in my home, and in my heart, for my Indigenous sisters and brothers feels sacred. It feels sacred to provide hospitality to those who must defend their faith, who must fight for their communities, and who carry a generational cross of weariness.

It’s a sacred “yes”, echoing all the way back to when Jesus mentions “I was a stranger and you invited me in.”

It is a sacred “yes” to breaking bread around my dining room table with the “nations and tribes and people and languages.”

A sacred “yes” to the chorus of prayers lifted in multiple languages as we break bread —my family, intermingled around the table, listening intently, not understanding their words — all of us being nourished by this taste of what heaven will be like.

A sacred “yes” to the wonder of it all. How did I get so lucky to participate in something so heavenly, in such a broken world?

Wájaro At The Table


Yet, it is this brokenness that brings us together, compelling us to pull up another chair at the table for Indigenous communities in Colombia who have long been pushed to the margins, who bear the scars of war and wave the flag of peace and hope for a reconciled future. We gather around my dining room table, bellies full of hope that our communion together will bear fruit and make an impact at the eternal banquet table. We work together so that communities can taste that sacred meal of fellowship in the here and now and the yet to come.

Creating space at the table for more diverse perspectives — voices from different ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds and levels of education — is a lifelong mission of mine. It is also part of Wájaro’s mission – to create space for the Indigenous voice at the table – at the table when the Church is meeting, when mission organizations are meeting, when governments and NGOs are meeting. Indigenous voices must be present when peace processes are underway and any time decisions are being made about Indigenous communities and the Indigenous church.  This table we refer to, however, is often suspended in a theoretical space.

Casa Wájaro is our effort to bring this theoretical table into physical reality. Wájaro’s vision is to create a space in the heart of Colombia for our Indigenous sisters and brothers. In this space, we can welcome people from the Church, mission organizations, politicians, NGOs, and volunteers to do real work around a real table together. We already do this work together in the deserts and mountains and jungles. Now, we need to create a permanent space in Bogotá, the nation’s capital, that is visible within the community where the Wajaro team is laying down roots. We need more room at the table for all those working together to see the Indigenous church grow and Indigenous communities flourish.

Wájaro Staying in Hammocks

We often travel to communities and work together in their homes – sleeping in their hammocks, eating the fish caught in their rivers, warming ourselves over the fires built with the kindling they have gathered. We also host Indigenous leaders in our homes when they are traveling to Bogotá – sleeping in our beds, eating our waffles, and warming their tired bodies with our jackets and extra blankets. We love this interchange of hospitality and will continue to do it through Casa Wájaro!

More than an office, Casa Wájaro will feel like their home away from home in Bogotá with dorms, a fully equipped kitchen, and plenty of space for building community. Casa Wájaro will start with a co-working space, a center for hospitality, a space to collaborate and dream. The possibilities are endless, yet the goal remains the same, to support Indigenous leaders and the Indigenous church, to see them thrive and equipped to be agents of change in their communities and throughout Colombia.

In a time where most of the developed world has settled into a rhythm of virtual life, those living on the margins have white-knuckled the last bit of inner strength to continue on in the face of an insurmountable struggle, the daily struggle to survive. For the Indigenous communities we work with, the pandemic, food insecurity, makeshift medical care, civil unrest, armed groups stealing their land and massacring their people has demonstrated now more than ever their depth of faith, resiliency, innovation, and perseverance. Casa Wájaro is the vision God gave us for such a time as this. Having a safe haven, a physical space to be together, has become more crucial than ever for those working for peace, reconciliation, and the Indigenous church here in Colombia. We need Casa Wájaro. And we need your help to get there! Please consider taking advantage of this incredible matching grant opportunity and invest now:

Set the table with us.


Lauren Jones is co-founder of The Wájaro Foundation with her husband, Jake. They have served as SAM missionaries since 2017. She is also an artist, women’s health educator, outdoors expert, social worker, and mother of four. Lauren is passionate about living in authentic community with others and caring for populations that mainstream society tends to overlook.




June 2021 Prayer Focus

June 3, 2021 |

Pray for Our Missionaries

Praying for Our Missionaries

Prayer has a prominent place in our ministry. We want to engulf our missionaries, our ministries, our partners, our affiliates, our donors, and our friends in prayer. As a staff in the SAM Home Office (Fort Mill, SC), we gather to pray together several times during the workweek. We also begin most of our meetings with prayer and even stop to pray with each other as needed. We don’t share this to boast, but to share that we are powerless without it. 

Jesus prayed. He lived in prayer. And we want to follow that example. For the next several months, we are praying for our missionaries using 16 Ways to Pray for Missionaries from IMB President David Platt. We are encouraging our missionaries to pray with us. We invite you to join us. 

As the guide states “prayers remain the greatest way we can support those we are sending out, invoking the very power of God to intervene in ways that are beyond our human limitations to save the lost.” 

To see a full listing of our missionaries and their work in South America, please visit:

1. Pray that our missionaries would be confident in God’s Word. Pray that Mike and Kelli Anderson, Don and Vera Bergson, and Todd and Erika Carroll would not just be part of the culture or provide humanitarian relief, but they would confidently proclaim the Word of God.

2. Pray that our missionaries would be filled with God’s Spirit. Pray that Olivia Alligood, David and Stephanie Boogaard, Mike and Marcy Brown, Bill and Joy Carrera, and Amanda McKinney would be faithful witnesses and many would come to know Christ in all walks of life.

Boogaard Family April 2021


3. Pray for Christlike humility to characterize our missionaries. Pray that Dalmiro and Laura Ortiz, Dan and Jenny Strebig, Natalie Suff, Jenna and Jason Weigner, and Dana Wilson would overcome the temptation to be prideful in their work by the power of the Spirit.

4. Pray that God would use our missionaries to make disciples. Pray Chris and Cristi Haylett, Jake and Lauren Jones, and Frank and Luz Zajicek would see fruit in their ministries as they seek to make disciples among the nations.

5. Pray for our missionaries’ joy in the midst of suffering. Pray that Craig and Mary DeLille, Joel Kearney, Wes and Trudy Seng, and Dan and Julie Snyder would experience the joy of intimacy with Christ in the midst of any suffering.

6. Pray for supernatural power to accompany our missionaries. Pray that Ryan and Jenny Dawson, Todd and Stephanie Edgar, Bryce and Hilary Fonda, Craig and Heather Gahagen, and Marshall and Becca Kitron would speak the Word with boldness and that supernatural power would accompany its proclamation

7. Pray for our missionaries to have favor with unbelievers. Pray for Micah and Haley Bittner, John and Laurie Bremer, Greg Dahl, Rael, Jeff HAuse, and Antoinette Hendrickson to find favorable opportunities to share the gospel with people in their community.

Hendrickson 2020


8. Pray for our missionaries starting in their ministry locations. Pray for Ally Lee as she serves in Arequipa, Peru. She supports a church planting movement through discipleship, training, and ESL. Pray for Kaylee Wayner Solier as she and her husband, Nilton, receive training through a two-year internship program in Guatemala.

9. Pray for the patience of our missionary appointees. Pray for Mike and Marina Shank, Tim and Mindy Callahan, Kevin and Emily Layne, Drew Warrick, Emily Robertson, Sam Fiala, Daniel and Rebekah Miller, and Jaime and Heather Azuaje as they face the ups and downs of support raising and getting to their ministry assignment.

10. Pray for our missionaries’ perseverance. Pray for John and Minori Lucas, Mike and Nancy Mahon, Larry and Bonnie Secrest, Dave and Marilyn Simmons, David and Lisa Speyers, and Kyle and Christina Thomas to persevere through setback after setback, obstacle after obstacle, and struggle after struggle.

11. Pray that the gospel will be clear through our missionaries. Pray that Joel and Angel Ballew, Jorge and Ginny Enciso, and Kat Guild, by grace, would clearly communicate the character of God, the sinfulness of man, the sufficiency of Christ, the necessity of faith, and the urgency of eternity.

Ballew October 2020


12. Pray that God would use our missionaries to multiply churches. Pray for Alex Chiang, Julio and Olga Chiang, Matthias and Rosemary Drochner, Steven and Jen Freund, and Rick and Donna Martin as they work to multiply churches filled with people who know the Word led by pastors who teach the Word.

May 2021 Prayer Focus

May 3, 2021 |

Brazil, COVID May 2021

A Long Season

We are all COVID weary. Sickness, pain, loss, suffering, grief, darkness surrounds us. And many of us are asking, have been asking: 

What’s going to happen?

Am I going to be okay?

Are people I love going to be okay?

What’s going to happen to our world?

God, where are you in this pandemic?

As coronavirus cases begin to decline in the US, our friends in South America continue to struggle. Already one of the world’s hardest-hit regions in 2020 and even after a year of incalculable loss, it is still one of the most troubling global hot spots, with a recent surge in many countries that is even more deadly than before. Hospitals are overcrowded with short supplies of oxygen and sedatives. People are dying as they wait for treatment, and the health systems are collapsing.

We cry out to God. We are driven to our knees. But may it not be in despair. Dig deep these days. Seek him. God is there.

We find him in prayer, unceasing prayer. We find him in the still small places. We hear about his work through our missionaries, church partners, community partners, and supporters who are caring selflessly for others. God’s hand is visible as communities pull together and find creative ways to support each other. 

Scripture reminds us of God’s promise when King David says:

Where can I go from your Spirit?

Where can I flee from your presence?

If I go up to the heavens, you are there;

if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.

If I rise on the wings of the dawn,

if I settle on the far side of the sea,

even there your hand will guide me,

your right hand will hold me fast.

If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me

and the light become night around me,”

even the darkness will not be dark to you;

the night will shine like the day,

for darkness is as light to you.

Psalm 139: 7-12

Now is the time to be brave. Speak hope into a struggling world. The world is different, but the world still needs Jesus.

1. Pray for Brazil. The COVID situation has been dire since March when a wave of variants saw a spike in deaths, eventually leading to more than 4,000 in one day. Although Brazil is no longer the global epicentre of the pandemic, cases remain high. Oh Lord, spread your healing power across Brazil.

2. Pray for Peru. The capital, Lima, is listed at the extreme risk level, meaning residents are prohibited from going outside on Sundays. Medical staff across Peru are stretched to their maximum capacity and beyond, while intensive care and oxygen resources are insufficient to meet the needs. Oh Lord, spread your healing power across Peru.

Lima, COVID, April 2021


3. Pray for Bolivia. Among South America’s poorest countries, Bolivia faces increasing numbers of coronavirus cases. The country also continues to experience protests and political unrest. Oh Lord, spread your healing power across Bolivia.

4. Pray for Colombia. A country of 50 million people, Colombia is seeing occupancy in intensive-care units hit 90% in the capital, Bogotá, with hospitals in other cities at their breaking point. Curfews are in place with shopping and other activities regulated by ID numbers. Oh Lord, spread your healing power across Colombia.

5. Pray for Joel Kearney. The life of a missionary can be challenging and lonely at times. Joel has been serving in Recife, Brazil for only three months, but due to COVID, the soccer, music, and other programs that he would lead have been put on pause per government regulations. Pray for his heart and time with God as he spends some days without seeing another person at all. Pray for the relationships that he is building before and after lockdowns.

6. Pray for Refugio de Esperanza. The Refuge of Hope located in the Amazon jungle of Pucallpa, Peru supports and serves people affected by disability. Praise that they started in-person high school classes for eight deaf students and six blind students. Pray for Amanda McKinney as she teaches and helps students catch up on missed learning due to the lockdowns. 

The Refuge of Hope April2021


7. Pray for our missionaries starting in their ministry locations. Pray for Kat Guild and Cameron Levosky as they begin language school in Colombia. After building their fluency in Spanish, Kat will serve in Barranquilla, Colombia. Cameron will move to Peru to serve with the Lima Initiative. 

8. Pray for SAMAIR Bolivia. This vital aviation ministry carries the Gospel into the eastern lowlands and the northern flood plains of the Amazon basin of Bolivia. The lack of infrastructure in areas served by SAMAIR Bolivia makes the airplane a unique tool in reaching those in need. Pray for safety and health as they have the opportunity to fly between curfews, lockdowns, and government regulations.

9. Pray for the Casa Wajaro Matching Campaign. Praise God for a generous Wájaro donor who offered to match, dollar-for-dollar, all donations given between now and July 3 up to $125,000. Pray for full funding to build Casa Wájaro so that indigenous peoples across Colombia can have a safe and collaborative space in the nation’s capital that fosters the change and healing so desperately needed.

10. Pray for Marshall and Becca Kitron. Recently, Marshall started a Bible study group in Pucallpa, Peru via Zoom. They are very excited to study the book of James, learn God’s word, and apply it to their lives. Becca was approached by a young woman who asked her to disciple her and her friend. These women will begin meeting together virtually. Pray for Marshall and Becca in all these discipleship moments. 

11. Pray for Mike Anderson. Mike installed a new water tank to replace an old concrete cistern at Ammi Training Center in Chapada, Brazil. The previous cistern leaked so much that Ammi is now saving over a thousand gallons of water per day by making this switch. Pray that these improvements will be a sustainable solution for Ammi’s water situation.

Ammi Water Cistern, April 2021


12. Pray for our missionaries on home ministry assignments. Pray for joyful reunions with family and friends. Pray for their presentations and sharing with support churches. Pray for God’s direction and their planning as they look forward to their future years on the field. Pray for a time of deep rest and spiritual growth. 

April 2021 Prayer Focus

April 1, 2021 |

Planting Seeds in Bolivia

We Plant, God Grows

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we have the privilege of sowing the seed of the Gospel. God has provided us the seeds to plant, seeds that have the potential to grow into an abundant harvest of faith.

Our willingness to plant is what matters. We are called to spread these seeds among all who will listen. Across South America, we plant seeds by witnessing in neighborhoods, educating children in schools, flying mission airplanes into hard-to-reach places, leading Bible studies, feeding the poor. We do our part – sow the seed, water, tend, and reap the harvest – but we do not make the seed take root, sprout or bloom. That happens by God’s gracious work. 

Only God can reach a person’s heart. Only He can open the eyes of the blind and give new life.  He is the forgiver of sins and the giver of faith, not us. We are merely dedicated followers so eager to see new growth that we sow seeds wherever we go.

People are reaching – more now than ever before – for God’s warm, loving embrace. Join us in praying for the seeds that we all plant. May we stand in awe at the appearance of His beautiful blossoms, His towering oaks of righteousness. All for His glory.

1. Pray for Todd and Erika Carroll. Pray for Todd and Erika as they welcome indigenous pastoral students to the Ammi Training Center in Brazil. The students live, study, and serve on the campus for eight months. Pray for the Ammi team as they train gospel workers plus handle the logistics of meal preparation, cleaning facilities, arranging classrooms, and checking on students in their houses.

2. Pray for Alas de Águila (Eagle’s Wings). Pray for Faith Bremer and Alas de Águila (Eagle’s Wings), the service organization she founded at Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center in Bolivia. Faith, a “missionary kid” and high school student at SCCLC, is organizing a campaign to send shoes to high school students in a remote jungle village of Bolivia. Pray for all the details and collaboration that she is handling for the project which engages Bolivian believers to give and reach out to their neighbors.


3. Pray for the presidential elections in Peru. Eligible citizens must vote in person during the first round on Sunday, April 11. Pray for the health and safety of their voters as COVID-19 rates are still high across the country. Pray for the candidates running on a variety of platforms. Pray for God’s peace and power to reign among the people.

4. Pray for Frank and Luz Zajicek. Praise for their new outreach to teen girls from economically struggling families in the barrio La Paz, Colombia (suburb of Santa Marta on the north coast). Pray for Luz and the other female leaders as they connect with the girls through proper nail care sessions. Pray for soft hearts and a spirit of openness as they share about life in Christ.

5. Pray for the family of Penny Storms, a retired SAM missionary, who passed into eternal life in February. In 2013, Penny included a prayer in her newsletter to friends and supporters celebrating 55 years of God’s faithfulness. Let us join her in this same prayer today: “My prayer for all of us is that we desire with all our hearts to be all that God has in mind for us to be. That we won’t look back, but leave the past with Him who forgives and forgets. That we not look forward, for God see the future, and He will face with us every trial and bear the burdens. But, let us look up into the face of Jesus. There our hearts can rest, our fears are stilled, and we have perfect peace as every hope is fulfilled.”

6. Pray for Manos que Suman, a partner ministry of Iglesia de la Ciudad. This ministry actively supports “shared pot” sites (similar to a community soup kitchen) existing within areas of extreme poverty in Lima, Peru. Pray for Steven and Jen Freund as they participate in the installation of water tanks and water filters at several shared pot sites. Pray that they have the opportunity to share the love of Christ as they meet and encourage those living within the shared pot communities.


7. Pray for our missionaries starting in their ministry locations. Pray for Micah and Haley Bittner as they join the team in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Pray for their visa application to be approved. Also, pray for their transition, especially their two young sons.

8. Pray for Craig and Mary DeLille. Pray for their leadership of Recife Redemptive Ministry which responds to spiritual and felt needs, demonstrating God’s heart for the impoverished in Brazilian communities. Praise God for the renovations that were completed at the music school. Join them in praying that the COVID situation in their area improves so students can return to in-person music classes soon, learning to make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

9. Pray for La Iglesia Nueva Esperanza in Colombia. Praise God that this church is able to hold in-person services for adults with bio-safety protocols and social distancing. Pray for the volunteers who are checking temperatures and disinfecting the building which allows the church to meet the spiritual and practical needs of His people. Pray for their grocery package distribution after services. May they continue to be a light and help in their community.

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10. Pray for John and Minori Lucas. We praise God for John and Minori who have faithfully served for 30 years in Pucallapa, Peru. Join us in thanking God for His faithfulness through all the ups and downs. Also, thank Him for the supporters who have sustained their family through prayer and financial gifts over the years. We rejoice in their continued service to the Lord!

11. Pray for the Bolivian Evangelical University. Praise the Lord that even with virtual classes, student registration numbers remain strong. These students receive both academic and spiritual education to become true leaders of change plus models of integrity, competence and Christian service. Pray for the building and refurbishing projects underway, taking advantage of the fact that not many people are on campus.

12. Pray for a new church plant in Peru. Praise God for the new church plant in the José Luis Bustamante y Rivero district of Arequipa. The new church is meeting virtually due to COVID restrictions. Pray for wisdom as Edward and Esme Zárate and Seth and Jessica Malec lead the church. Pray for the church’s vision for the Kingdom and the growth of its leaders.

March 2021 Prayer Focus

March 1, 2021 |

March 2021 Prayer Focus

Because He Lives

As we prepare for this Easter season, we remember the gift of salvation. We remember that the crucifixion of Christ leads us to the power of His resurrection. Because of the finished work of Jesus, we have hope for today and tomorrow. As believers, we are called to share this truth not just today but for all tomorrows. 

Because He lives, our missionaries and partners work to share the gospel, reproduce authentic disciples of Jesus, plant churches, train leaders, and equip God’s people to minister transformationally. We reach out to those who live without hope. We invite you to join us as bold witnesses to those who are overwhelmed with life and world events. Comfort those who face trials of every kind. Share that God is in control. Pray without ceasing.

Oh the joy of that moment, when the light of Jesus cuts through the darkness, when the impossible becomes possible, when hope springs eternal…

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Because He lives, All fear is gone.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27 

Because I know He holds the future.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 

And life is worth the living just because He lives.

“I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 

1. Pray for Dan and Julie Snyder. The governor declared a state of emergency where they live in the state of Acre, Brazil. There is an outbreak of COVID-19, dengue, major flooding, and refugee concerns. Pray for the Snyders’ safety and health. Pray for their local community and friends who are personally suffering and have lost loved ones.

2. Pray for Colombia. The country continues to struggle with COVID-19, and the local government reinstates stay-at-home lockdowns often. Many churches are empty throughout the week and services are pre-recorded. Pray for our team in Colombia as they continue to minister through lockdowns and strict protocols. 

Colombia Church 2021


3. Pray for Kaylee and Nilton Solier. Pray that these newlyweds keep God at the center of their marriage. Pray for their next steps as they prepare for a two-year internship in Guatemala. 

4. Pray for our missionaries starting in their ministry locations. Pray for Tim and Mindy Callahan as they leave at the end of March to serve in Brazil at the Ammi Training Center. Pray that the interview for their visa will go smoothly and be approved quickly.

5. Pray for Jason and Jenna Weigner. Pray for this couple as they build sustainable, gospel-centered communities among the indigenous and rural peoples of eastern Bolivia. Pray for wisdom and patience as they raise four young boys.

6. Pray for Ken and Angela Massey. Praise God for the Massey family’s faithful service to SAM in Bolivia and the Home Office. As they transition to small business owners, we pray God’s continued provision for their family and guidance as they acquire a local business.

7. Pray for the Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center. Pray for the SCCLC in Bolivia as they develop students academically and spiritually with a vision for impacting the world. Pray for the administration and teachers as they begin virtual classes.

SCCLC 2021


8. Pray for the SAMAIR Peru Hangar Project. Pray for the SAMAIR Peru team as they work to rebuild the floatplane hangar. Pray for needed materials, quick progress, and safety. 

9. Pray for Joel and Angel Ballew. Pray as they work on establishing a new business in Barranquilla, Colombia that could serve to catalyze a gospel ecosystem in that city.

10. Pray for our missionaries returning to their ministry locations. Pray for Cesar and Grace Cubas as well as Larry and Bonnie Secrest. Pray for their safe travel back to Peru and no issues re-entering the country.

11. Pray for Indigenous People Groups. Praise God that COVID-19 vaccinations are reaching indigenous people in South America. Pray for healing and peace as COVID continues to affect those across the country with limited healthcare options.

COVD-19 Vaccine 2021


12. Pray for Jeff HAuse. Pray for endurance and strength as Jeff continues teaching virtually at the CIET (Center for Integrated Theological Studies) in Bolivia. He is teaching Leadership this semester while also pursuing his own studies for his Master of Arts in Christian Ministry through the Southern California Seminary.

13. Pray for Easter Celebrations. Pray for our missionaries and partners who will lead services, Sunday School, children and youth activities, and more during the Easter weekend. May God give them boldness to proclaim the risen Christ. May their places of worship or screens be filled with those seeking the hope only found in Jesus.

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